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Mama_Cakes's avatar

What would you like to do to this "Pissed off mother"?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) August 20th, 2013

A family with a 13 year old Autistic son received this letter in the mail.

The son’s Mom’s reaction.

I’m hoping that the Crown finds this bitch of a pissed off mom and prosecutes.

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33 Answers

Katniss's avatar

What the fuck????
That “pissed off mom” needs to be taken out and beaten.
Did she stop to think about how she would feel if that were her child? Does she realize that just because this child is “special needs” doesn’t mean that his parents love him any less than she loves her own children?

Wow. I’m pissed. What kind of evil ass person does that??

I feel so bad for that little boys family.

LornaLove's avatar

I can’t believe people like this exist. She is evil I agree with @Katniss

Katniss's avatar

@LornaLove I really want to hunt this bitch down and hurt her!!

LuckyGuy's avatar

Yikes! Not good!
One of my traits is to try and see any argument from the other side (even briefly). This one is tough.
Maybe the autistic child runs loose all day and causes damage, or other kids are afraid of him, or he rings doorbells and yells at the neighbors trying to sleep… I don’t know what.
Clearly his actions got someone riled up enough to write such a boneheaded letter. Maybe there is a grain of truth to the complaints – but this is not the way to handle it.

Are we seeing what happens when an autistic child meets an autistic adult with Tourette’s?.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

“I’m hoping that the Crown finds this bitch of a pissed off mom and prosecutes.”

Of course that would never happen. How ‘bout find her, then run her ass out of the neighbourhood (make her life a living hell)?

SavoirFaire's avatar

I would like to educate her—on compassion, on mental disability, and on the proper use of punctuation.

marinelife's avatar

I hope they find her and prosecute her. It was intolerable hate speech.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

My first impulse was to run a stick up her ass and ride the bitch out of town. But then what would cause someone to put that kind of hate and venom down on paper? Obviously she’s sick, but maybe the kid is acting up too. So I’d want to investigate her side a little to see if there’s anything to her claims. Then run a stick up her ass and ride her out of town. The ignorance is appalling.

KNOWITALL's avatar

In my neighborhood, we have a child that is my immediate neighbor, that is mentally slow. Two weeks ago I caught him swinging a 2×4 with a nail in the end less than six inches from another neighborhood child on my property. Needless to say, I grabbed the 2×4 and gave them both a talking to they won’t forget soon.

The letter was venomous and rude and completely out of line, but I do think the child’s parents have a responsiblity to the child and the neighborhood to make sure he’s behaving in a manner that is not hurtful or destructive to others. What if a stranger came up on him and tried to entice him into the vehicle? You have to think about the child’s welfare first.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I know, I read this a couple of days ago. She is such a nightmare. I feel sad for her children.

Mama_Cakes's avatar


I’ve done a little reading. He stays in the yard. In a fenced in backyard. The letter came from someone in his grandmother’s neighbourhood. He is never out of that backyard unsupervised.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Mama_Cakes Good, then they’re not being negligent, the writer is just a beeyotch with no heart. Probably a close neighbor if they talk about the noise, too. I’d call a neighborhood meeting and make them feel an inch tall, jerks.

Pandora's avatar

I’ve seen the letter on facebook. It is sad, but I would not do anything to this pissed off mother. She is ignorant and there is nothing you can do that will make fool see they are wrong. She is a coward. It is a concern. Her words are hateful but I’m not ready to condemn her on that alone. You never know the other side of the story.
I once had a severely handicap neighbor who was a gentle giant most days but there were times he could be overly excited and was dangerous to be around. He had no sense of right or wrong and no idea how extremely strong he could be. His mother had bruises on her from trying to handle him and trying to calm him. She warned my mother not to let any of us play with him because it was risky.

whitenoise's avatar

I would like to think that this pissed off mother must have an excuse. She may have been stressed after losing her job and divorce and illness, combining that with trying to raise her own children. She may regret it extremely that she wrote the letter.

Else… I don’t know. I think no sane mother would write a letter like that… What if it turns out to be one sincerely disturbed 16 year old boy, taking bullying to the next, ultimate level?

Anyways, I am not creative enough to think of punishment. Mental health care and maybe protecitive custody seem most in place…

GoldieAV16's avatar

I am trying to be empathetic to all concerned. Easy with the family of the autistic child – there is just no excuse for an anonymous letter that makes that family feel threatened.

But I will say that I worked in an office where a severely autistic child around the same age spent some time. He barked at everyone, sometimes “hiding” under something and then barking. It scared the crap out of me, more than once. From that point of view, I can see how someone might find the unusual or sudden noises to be an extreme disturbance, but certainly a dialogue with the family might have arrived at some sort of compromise (less time in the back yard, or maybe he needs a companion to take him out to a park). The letter is just hateful, and nobody should be on the receiving end of that kind of hate. It sort of shuts the door to finding any kind of resolution. I’m with those suggesting that the letter writer had some mental deficiencies of his or her own.

Katniss's avatar

Some of you are a lot more forgiving than I am.
This bitch obviously has balls of steel and my opinion is that she needs to be strung up by them, in the middle of town, and beaten with baseball bats by anyone who cares to take a swing at her.

ucme's avatar

Nothing, i’m sure the relevant authorities will deal with her as they see fit, if at all.
I’ve no interest in getting my hands dirty on the apparently odious woman.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Katniss I trained for months for certification to work with the developmentally disabled and didn’t make it one full day on my own. It’s difficult to watch someone beat themselves up (seriously) or not to communicate well even though the anger and physical strength are there that can do damage to others.

To be concerned and state that is okay (because it is a serious safety issue for all involved), to do so with that language and in the manner of the letter was not okay.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I hadn’t considered the angle this could have been written by some neighborhood kid or kids. Maybe some local bully? Every kid types today and has access to PC. That might explain some of the ignorance.

DominicX's avatar

Yeah, I’m not going to be forgiving here. I understand the kind of frustration and annoyance that being around that kind of thing can cause. But talking about dismembering and euthanizing a child goes beyond frustrating and annoyance and ventures into scary. This letter is not normal. The person who wrote it is not normal. I don’t have much sympathy for her.

Katniss's avatar

@KNOWITALL It takes a special kind of person to do that kind of work.

My problem with this lady is that at the end of the day, this is someone’s baby.
I understand that perhaps she’s frustrated or maybe even a little frightened? I don’t know.
What I do know is that she’s obviously mental.
I feel no sympathy for her. My sympathy is reserved for the family of the child she threatened.
They didn’t ask for any of this.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Katniss I’m leaning towards Adirondack’s idea that this may be the kids in the neighborhood. I guess they both have my sympathy, one for the lack of knowledge and lack of empathy, and the other because of their being treated poorly for something not in their control.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@KNOWITALL I don’t think a mother could be this evil. Everybody hopes for healthy kids but I would expect a mother would have more sympathy for an autistic child. If I’m wrong she’s a monster.

Katniss's avatar

@KNOWITALL I would find that letter evil, no matter who wrote it. I think it would be a little easier to swallow if it were written by a neighborhood kid, rather than an adult who should know better. Either way it’s heartbreaking.

ragingloli's avatar

I am actually surprised that this letter was not signed with my pissed of mother”

Supacase's avatar

Everything @DominicX said. Clearly the woman is angry, but her first attempt at communication (if you can call it that) involves the suggestion of killing the boy for being annoying? The letter mentioned nothing that indicated the boy has been dangerous. You can speculate all you want, but the news would certainly have picked up on it of this child has ever done anything wrong, let alone something that could warrant a rant full of such disturbing cruelty and violence.

linguaphile's avatar

The letter is so over the top that it feels fake. It’s probably not, but feels fake. Like a troll got a hold of the mom… That was my first impression.

Did they ever find the letter writer?

Assuming it’s news and it’s true, it’s beyond sick.

annabee's avatar

The letter was unnecessary but the pissed of mother does have the law on her side. The constant annoying noise coming out of this autistic kid is disturbing the peace/breaching the peace which is the lowest form of a crime but a crime nonetheless. Since the kid is ill, then the guardian is responsible for causing the noise.

You get a warning first, then if the offense is repeated, you get a fine and if it is done again, then you go to jail. The state decides how to gag the kid.

Supacase's avatar

@annabee Disturbing the peace? Really? Are other “normal” kids who run around making loud “normal” noises okay? And who gets to decide what is and is not annoying? I doubt he’s exceeding any decibal restrictions or out in the middle of the night.

annabee's avatar

If neighbors are being disturbed by the noise in their homes, then that is disturbing the peace. I have seen it first hand. The police are called, they give a warning to the parents to control their kids and if the offense gets repeated, the punishment gets worse.

Ultimately, the court decides.

We also had a woman in our community who lost her mind but was still considered sane enough to be denied access to a psyche ward. They medicated her and sent her back home where she continued making loud noises and engaging in conversations with neighbors about her delusions (which she assumed were real). She didn’t have a guardian.

The community complained and now she is gone

Supacase's avatar

@annabee They probably had her non-crazy body parts farmed out after they euthanized her.

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