Which musician(s) can immediately make you change the radio station?
When my kids are in the car with me, we usually listen to rock/pop stations, but if I hear a Justin Timberlake or Katy Perry song come on, I change the station. I used to like Katy Perry until she had a gazillion overplayed songs all over the place, and now I can’t take any more of her.
Which songs/artists make you automatically change the station?
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49 Answers
Katy Perry does it for me.
Gee basically anything past 2000 or so.
Anything that remains in the top 40 for over a week.
Anything by Barney the purple dinosaur. Or the SpongeBob Square Pants intro, but I can watch the rest after the intro.
How can you now like the Spongebob Squarepants intro? It’s a childhood classic.
@dxs I won’t flop like a fish, especially when my mom is watching with me… I’m 36 years old.
@talljasperman If nautical nonsense is something you wish, then don’t worry about your mom watching you.
Wait… why would Spongebob be on the radio?
Justin Bieber, Britney Spears
I listen to a classic rock station, and I will immediately change the station if I hear Guns and Roses, ACDC, Aerosmith, or Tom Petty.
Like, to turn it on?
I gave up on radio a long time ago.
Anything by Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Def Leppard, Guns and Roses, Britney Spears, or any of the fake country that’s out now.
“All we hear is radio ga-ga, radio goo-goo, radio blah-blah”
Pretty much sums up my radio listening, Queen were fab though.
Bob Dylan or Bruce Springsteen will have me hitting the button instantly… their voices grate my nerves. The station I listen to (xpn.org) plays a lot of new indie stuff, but will also play some older tunes at times.
The closest thing to an “adult-rock” radio station around here has been playing the same tired, cliche’ songs for about 20 years.
Not being able to stand Chicago’s ‘Saturday In The Park”, “Sundown” by Gordon Lightfoot, or those same three or four played-to-fuckin’-death Fleetwood Mac songs anymore, like Seek Kolinahr, I fired FM radio altogether several years ago….
Nickelback and anything rap.
Creed, Nickelback, The Fray…the sound of those bands makes me cringe.
Justin Bieber.
I’m more likely to have strong negative feelings for a particular song rather than an artist. I’m a country music fan, but there are quite a few songs out now that make me want to scream. If I hear one more damn song about redneck pride, jacked up trucks, or America…
@DominicX I agree, but for some reason, I love the song Over My Head by the Fray.
Rap, Hiphop ,or death metal. That shit can suck it. Id rather listen to the wind
I don’t listen to the radio, but if I see Amy Winehouse, I change the TV channel, fast.
^but she’s a ghost now. she will follow you. be careful
Katy Perry is actually on my list also. Others are John Cougar Mellencamp and Bruce Springstein.
I will shut off the radio if I hear any of the current artist’s attempt at ‘improving’ an old hit.
I don’t really listen to any “Top 40/Pop” stations. Can’t name any specific artists, but 99 percent of rap or country gets shut down immediately
Who listens to the radio still? And support the non mainstream artists that still have passion in their music!
I can’t stand most Billy Joel and U2 songs.
Cliff Richard or the osmonds. There is no need.
Anything rap, hip-hop, modern metal or modern pop/dance music. I can’t even name any artists because I never listen long enough to find out who they are.
I’m amused how so many people hate artists I love; U2, Billy Joel, Springsteen, Aerosmith, Amy Winehouse and yes, even Nickelback.
@downtide I love Aerosmith and Nickelback, too. Glad I’m not the only one. I also love Creed, which appears to be a crime.
@livelaughlove21 oh yeah I like Creed too. I got slightly put off when I discovered they were primarily a Christian band, but they still produced some great songs.
@downtide I love their sound. I also like the sound of the band Skillet (particularly the songs “Awake and Alive” and Hero”) who also started off as a Christian band. Who knew…
I forgot Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen and rap music.
@Blackberry What, and stop this circlejerk? DAE Dadrock is real music?!
Tom Petty, Rod Stewart, Miley Cyrus. There are also specific songs that I cannot stand. A couple are essentially one hit wonders so I guess I can include those artists – Katrina and the Waves, Fine Young Cannibals immediately come to mind.
At work, we listen to the local classic rock station all day so nobody argues over the music. They play “Paradise by the Dashboard Light” by Meatloaf about ten times a day. Aaargh! I pretty much know all of the lyrics by now, I know that they hate each other at the end of the song, and every time I hear it it makes me want to punch something.
Radio is cool. Its our ear to the world if you want it. If not then clamp your computer chip to your head and disappear into yourself.
Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix.
If either of them were driving, and a Meat Loaf song came on the radio, I’d change the station as soon as one of them asked me to. ;-)
@Blackberry My old car only has AM/FM radio and cassette. The largest town in the area (population 20k) is a university town and the campus has a great radio station that plays alternative music and up and coming musicians. This is how I find new music.
I hate Lana del Rey any song, her voice makes me want to puke.
I love the song Summertime. LOL. Even though it is basically a stupid song. I like her voice and the beat.
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