Social Question

jonsblond's avatar

Is it too soon to apply my I'm Ready for Hillary bumper sticker to my car?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) August 20th, 2013

Here it is

2nd question: Do you think my Republican landlord will think about renting to someone else once he sees it?

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20 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

Oh, I thought it was too late.

Maybe all you really need is to find a couple of those “Hope” and “Change” bumper stickers and put them together with a “for” between them.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Dear God we are truly in hell. She dodges more questions than Balkan bullets.

Vote RP and fix this nation.

Seek's avatar

Oh gods, tell me we have someone better than her in reserve. I won’t survive another Republican President.

johnpowell's avatar

It is 2013…
Her running is a 24 hours news thing invented so they can have something to talk about.

Let’s bet about her running in 2016. 20 if she doesn’t and that 20 goes to Doctors without borders. If she does 20 to your charity of choice.

I have a record on betting here.

Pandora's avatar

If she runs with Elizabeth Warren then I’m in. If they run separate then it will be hard to chose. I may have to chose Elizabeth Warren. Oh, I don’t know. I think Clinton knows where the bodies are buried and will probably have a easier time handling the republicans. I’m not sure Elizabeth Warren can do it on her own. She needs a heavy weight like Clinton to clear the path for her to be president someday.
Well provided Clinton doesn’t ruin things. But I think she will be good for the economy.

ucme's avatar

I’d like to think Bill has those very words tattooed along the shaft of his crooked penis.
She’d feel like she was reading an old ticker-tape roll as the words became legible during erection.

Blackberry's avatar

I’m sure some people regret Obama stickers. Don’t put faith in one human to change things, especially a politician lol.

gorillapaws's avatar

I would love to see Elizabeth Warren as the first female president of the USA. Wait until after the primaries to pull out the bumper stickers.

livelaughlove21's avatar

It’s always the wrong time for a bumper sticker. There are less tacky ways to deface your car.

jonsblond's avatar

@ucme ha! I can always count on you for a little humor when I’m looking for it. :)

marinelife's avatar

Go for it. Your landlord will not be able to do a thing.

ucme's avatar

@jonsblond I’m fairly certain seeing your husband naked also brings you a little humour :)
Just playin with ya, don’t shoot me a nasty glare blondie ;-}

Mama_Cakes's avatar

I’d like to see Warren.

CWOTUS's avatar

I’d prefer to see Warren Zevon… and he’s been dead for years now.

KNOWITALL's avatar

According to my mother, Hillary will save us all, so get that sticker up. Landlords can’t discriminate based on political affiliation can they?

ucme's avatar

Two words, whisper them quietly for fear of reprisal…Sarah & Palin.
Be afraid, be very, very afraid!

Pandora's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies So what is your objection? That she tells fish stories like everyone else in Washington, or that she sucks at it, or that she is a woman telling the fish stories?
Fish stories have never stopped any male politician from running and being elected.

filmfann's avatar

What about Warren ?

Yes, it is too soon to ruin your bumper and your reputation with a political sticker for ANY candidate who might be running in 2016. Let’s wait and see what flushes out, and what flushes down.

filmfann's avatar

Wow! I like the feel of that phrase! I may need to copyright that.

DWW25921's avatar

Both parties are completely inept and useless. I honestly don’t understand how folks can be so loyal to a “Repubocrat” after all, they’re all owned by the same companies. Why not become a registered independent? You can vote for the best person without endorsing the empty suits! It really doesn’t matter which side of the isle you choose, things get worse for us every election cycle regardless. Do you think you really have a voice? Do you really believe that your “political party” cares about you? Just something to ponder my friend.

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