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How to balance responsibility with respect re: Pledge of Allegiance?

Asked by Seek (34808points) August 20th, 2013

This is a touchy matter at the best of times, and it’s one thing I have strong feelings about. I hope to keep the conversation at least sort of on topic-ish, but due to it’s nature I’m not even attempting a General post.

My son just started Kindergarten in public school. We’re giving it a fair shake before doing homeschool.

According to the literature they sent home today, the pledge is spoken each day, and the kids are allowed to opt out.

I FIRMLY believe that no one should be expected to recite an oath before they are capable of comprehending what they are promising (Not to mention, what five year old knows what “allegiance” or “republic” mean?). However, I’m not going to be at school with him to a) make sure he opts out or b) defend him if need be.

It simply sucks that participation in this pointless tradition is the default, so it is the burden of parents like me, who want to reach their child that words mean things and prior should only make promises they understand and intend to keep that have to be the oddballs.

I am torn between making it his actual choice to take an oath and forcing him to choose not to.

How do I manage to not be a hypocrite in this situation?

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