Social Question

(Serious question) Imagine that you are the representative for the i-kid phone company?
Your company has designed a new mobile phone for kids.
You are on the phone and want to persuade Mr Smith, the manager of another film to adopt and sell this product in his country.
Write the dialogue. You will present your arguments and Mr Smith’s reactions and counter-arguments (200 words).
The dialogue will be a real conversation.
Your reader must know at all times who is speaking without having to reflect.
Use your imagination and creativity!
Prove your worth!
Please note : This is not a homework.
Me: Hello Mr. Smith
Mr. Smith: Hi, can I help you?
Me: I’m calling you about our new product.
Mr. Smith: Go ahead.
Me: The product is a new mobile phone designed specifically for kids, including the following features: [insert]
Mr. Smith: What’s in it for me?
Me: Well, this technology is going be wanted by almost every kid in the world. This will bring your company a great deal of profit.
Mr. Smith: Oh yeah, how much are we talking about?
Me: [insert profit rate]
Mr. Smith 1: That sucks! Hangs up the phone
Mr. Smith 2: We’ve got a deal! Let’s meet next week to discuss it further.
Your turn now!