Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Where do you keep your bucket list?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) August 21st, 2013

Is it just in your head?

Do you have it written out somewhere? Saved in a computer file? Posted on your refrigerator?

Do you actually look at it? Check it off?

Is your bucket list basically a list of goals or dreams for you? Or, do you see goals as a different category? If goals, dreams, and your bucket list do not have synonomous meanings please explain the differences; how you define the words.

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9 Answers

Sunny2's avatar

I keep mine in the back of my head. It’s almost empty.

tups's avatar

I don’t have a bucket list. I just wait and see what happens…

OpryLeigh's avatar

In my head

ucme's avatar

Bucket? Fuck it, don’t have one, I act on impulse/spontaneity.

Mariah's avatar

I have a Word document.

My bucket list mostly comprises things I want to learn to do before I die – hobbies I’ve always dreamed of having, art forms I want to learn but require some expensive equipment – and goals that are important to me but require a physical fitness level I’ve not been able to achieve yet.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I have just one thing: give a TED talk.

Blondesjon's avatar

In a special pail.

flutherother's avatar

I focus on one thing at a time so I don’t need to write anything down. Once accomplished I will think of something else (unless I kick the bucket.)

ETpro's avatar

Mine’s in my head because I have a short list and a long head. Plenty of room in there.

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