What can jelly beans teach us about living life to its fullest?
Asked by
ETpro (
August 21st, 2013
Henry Ford once said, “The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can’t are both right. Which one are you?”
In the hands of a person who thinks they can, even things as simple and mundane as jelly beans can be used to demonstrate important truths about life, as this short video clearly shows.
The video leaves me pondering what I have accomplished to date, and what I still wish to do. Regarding accomplishments, Horace Mann said, “Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.” In light of that, how are you doing at making all your jelly beans count? As for myself, I’ve got a great deal of work to do, and little time left in which to do it. But I think I can, so there’s still hope. How about you?
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24 Answers
I’ll trade my yellow ones for your black ones. No one likes the black jellybeans but me. Fork ‘em over!
I love black jelly beans too. I guess the lesson there is that we can be confident we’re not the only person in the world who likes one particular thing.
If you take “magic” ones (viagra) they make your stalk grow…fancy that.
Anything that can help us live up to our potential, I think, is a good idea.
A lot of people have regrets about what they should and could’ve done better. I try not to go there and instead of achievements, I try and work on relationships and making myself the best I can be and then move onto goals which I have for the future.
No matter what it is at least one person will like it and at least one won’t.
@Seek_Kolinahr hand some of the black ones over. We share here on Fluther. I’ll give you all my purple ones.
Ew, purple. I’ll take your orange.
Well done. I used to think of a weekend as one jelly bean. Every year we are given 52. That’s it! How will I spend that precious weekend? Will I accomplish something? Will I mow the lawn, fix the car… As I grow older I expect the options available to me will be fewer.
Do it now. Things will never be easier.
I am an equal opportunity jelly bean eater. I’ll eat any flavor – and like it.
I eat the black ones last.
Here’s another life lesson that involves jelly beans.
When first married an older friend told me to put one jelly bean in a jar for every time we had sex the first year. Starting the second year take one bean out for every time. He said we would never empty the jar.
He was wrong.
Jelly beans are nasty – they stick to my teeth. I once lost a filling to a particularly aggressive jelly bean.
Now if you had asked the question regarding M&Ms – that’s a whole different story.
It was an interesting video, but that’s not the way I look at it. When I’m living life to its fullest, there’s only one jelly bean: this one right here. It’s the only one I have. I can’t count on getting any more, and even if I do, I can’t count on them being any better than this one. Whether or not I like this flavor is beside the point; it is the flavor it is. I can find a way to love it.
You can tell a lot about a fellow’s character by his way of eating jellybeans.
Ronald Reagan, quoted in Observer, March 29 1981
“Whether or not I like this flavor is beside the point; it is the flavor it is. I can find a way to love it.”
@thorninmud I love that answer! It is how I think, too.
We appreciate the flavors more when we realize they might not be here tomorrow.
I seriously have a box of unopened Beanboozled jelly beans I am willing to share here at my place. Baby wipe anyone? Snot? Anyone? ? ? ? Or maybe it will be a nice flavor, care to take your chances? I already went through one box as a joke with friends and family, apparently the gross ones taste pretty taste pretty gross. I tried one and luckily got coconut and it tasted like coconut…I’m not taking another chance.
Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans. Grass flavored. Those are the shit!
Jelly beans are for eating.
Centipede jelly beans taste similar to dirt.
Gah guys. With all this talk of eating black ones and yellow ones, I’m kicking myself for not marking this question NSFW!
@spiritual Good point about the pointlessness of regrets. What’s done is done and move on. I can see how looking at a massive bin of jelly beans already squandered (story of my life, there) could be depressing, but that’s not the spirit it should be viewed in. I like @thorninmud‘s approach much better.
@LuckyGuy I hope he bet you a large batch of jelly beans on that one. Good going winning the bet. That’s a real win/win.
@Cupcake Yeah, here’s my quote. “You can tell a lot about a fellow’s character by what he uses to measure a fellow’s character,”
@KaY_Jelly Ha! I had never heard of that. What will marketing types think of next to sell the once humble jelly bean? I can very well appreciate why the box remains unopened. Centipede flavored jelly beans.
@Seek_Kolinahr I have now reached a higher plane of Jelly Bean enlightenment.
@janbb You eat the black ones last? Is that because they are your favourite and you’re practising delayed gratification, or because they are your least favourite and you’ve eaten all the best ones first?
@Seek_Kolinahr The black ones are my favourite too, but I just discovered I like the yellow ones, I always thought they must taste like lemon but found to my delight they taste like Juicyfruit gum, nice surprise.
@ETpro I can see them as gag gifts that why I purchased them. Sometimes I think they should market them to people who actually have deficiencies. Like the dirt one may save this ladies teeth.
@KaY_Jelly Yeah, centipede deficiency must be at epidemic proportions. So few people just pop them in their mouths raw anymore.
lol. At least from a vegan perspective…well you know, it’s the effort at least to save the centipede.
@KaY_Jelly Yeah, there is that. Yucky as they are, there’s something pretty fascinating about those little creatures and how they can so rhythmically move their legs.
@ETpro I watched an episode of dirty jobs one time and Mike Rowe went to the jelly bean factory and made jelly beans that tasted like his dirty shoe or sock I can’t remember, but I do remember the guy who makes the jelly beans that taste like “snot” and so on makes them to taste like what he experiences, so the snot ones are formulated from his snot, same as the barf ones and that’s just wrong, or is it?
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