Do you ever wish you hadn't told someone something?
Like, do you ever say something private to someone, just to get it off your chest, and then later regret it?
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20 Answers
No, never, no regrets…ever!
Yes – I feel I may have burdened my son with a secret years ago that he didn’t know what to do with.
Oh yes. I am very careful about what I share with that person.
Oh yeah, you can’t take some information back unfortunately. Meh, who cares.
Yes. Once the cat’s out of the bag it’s too late. All you can do is hope they don’t share your personal information and secrets with anybody else. Next time, think long and hard about who you are discussing things with, and be careful. When in doubt, don’t share!
^Especially with people who you think you can trust on the internet. We lost a dear friend from this site because she trusted the wrong people with personal information. She left q&a’s for good due to that experience.
Yes. I confided some information to a sister and she used it against me the next time we got in a fight. I have never shared anything with her again that I wouldn’t want broadcast to the world. The trust is broken for good.
I was going out of the country with my girlfriend, and disclosed her first name to my ex wife. I thought I was being honest and open and not ashamed of going with my GF; my GF felt I violated her trust. I had to admit it did.
Took a long time to get the level of trust back.
@ucme . . . not even that one time . . . at band camp?
@Blondesjon That’s between me, Mary Jane Rottencrotch & a tubby tuba player named Desmond.
Yes, I once talked to my son about his then-girlfriend, and he told her what I said. I thought it was in confidence.
Nope. If it is private, it is private. If it is public, it is public. If you tell one other person a private statement becomes public.
I do not have the right to burden others with a secret.
@ucme I talked to Desmond just last week! He lost a lot of weight, looks great, and now goes by the name “Desi”. He says “Hi!”.
because he was humped well
Drunken pity fucks often turn out that way.
Like @janbb, I have regrets of over-sharing with my son when he was too young to fully understand it all. But in my case there was no easy way to explain why my relationship with certain relatives is not good when I was a victim of abuse, and I wouldn’t want to lie or mislead him.
Yea now my friends think I’m some kind of freak
That’s what they’ve told us @TinyChi! But we were supposed to keep it secret, so this is just between you and me.
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