Meta Question

anniereborn's avatar

How are reviving old threads looked upon here?

Asked by anniereborn (15569points) August 21st, 2013

I am pretty new. And I have lots to explore here. I find lots of old threads that interest me and I want to contribute. Is that seen as a faux pa?

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10 Answers

augustlan's avatar

Not at all! Feel free to contribute to any question on the site, no matter how old. Anyone still following the thread will be alerted to the new activity on it. Sometimes, of course, it’s better to start a new conversation if you want a lot of interaction, but it’s certainly not necessary. Thanks for asking, and welcome to Fluther!

Kardamom's avatar

@anniereborn There is no problem responding to old threads, except for the fact that a lot of people stop following a Q, shortly after it has been answered, especially if a lot of members answer, because they feel like everybody has pretty much answered the question. Although, sometimes people do continue to follow all of the Q’s they’ve participated in. Also, a lot of past members that may have contributed to the thread, may not even be on Fluther any more.

Your best bet is to refer to an old thread with a new question. Example: I was just reading this question about Cooking from March of 2010 and I was wondering whether any of you folks like to host dinner parties.

ucme's avatar

It can be fun, it’s not just the Amish that delve into the past :)

chyna's avatar

I love seeing old threads pop up. Although it makes me sad to see the people who are no longer here.

hearkat's avatar

My response I’d the same as @chyna.‘s

hearkat's avatar

*is (stoopid auto-correct)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@anniereborn Welcome to the collective of Fluther. You will be assimilated or not.

I have found it best to ask a new question when an old one is 2 or 3 years old. Few people follow old questions that long.

I wouldn’t word it to be identical, and I suggest putting one’s own stamp on the subject. However, asking about a topic that’s been well covered is not against the guidelines here.

hearkat's avatar

I will add to @Hawaii_Jake‘s note that if you ask a new question that is similar to earlier posts, many people will post links to those earlier discussions for current members to use as reference.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Reviving old threads is usually a fun thing, as some of us may have forgotten about them. Another jelly recently commented on a very old thread of mine, and I enjoyed going back through it again.

Welcome to Fluther!

Paradox25's avatar

I’ve received the Davey Jones’ Revenge award (reward for answering an older question resulting in a GA vote) many times. Sometimes I’ll answer questions from as far back as 2008, if I know some the users on that thread are currently active. Sometimes those older threads get revived, and sometimes not.

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