General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Can you tell me what it's like to be a hotel's houseman?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) August 21st, 2013

I have a chance to get a job as a houseman in a hotel, I was told that it is like chamber maiding but out side and you clean the side walks. Can you tell me more?

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10 Answers

janbb's avatar

No, but I think it would be great for you if you took any job. Why don’t you go and find out about it?

gailcalled's avatar

If you have ever picked up a broom and swept a floor, you know what it is like. Take the job and start living your life, please. It sounds like a good way to ease back into the non-cyber world. There may also be carrying luggage for guests, also a straightforward activity.

What did the person who offered you the job say? He is your obvious source of information, not us.

jca's avatar

In addition to sweeping, you probably will be emptying the ashtrays that they have outside and stuff like that. Please post an update if you take the job!

Judi's avatar

They may also have you change a lightbulb now and then.

JLeslie's avatar

Ask the person who offered you the job. Something to the order of, “I am very interested, what exactly would be my responsibilities?” Then you will have a better awareness of what to be proactive about when you take the job. I do think you should take the job you don’t have to feel like you will be doing that job forever if you don’t like it, and you might like it. I can’t see a down side in trying it.

Don’t wait too long to respond to the person who made you the offer, I say contact him today. Ask about what the position entails and then say you want the job (assuming you want the job) so hopefully he will discuss a start date for you and how much it pays, etc.

Judi's avatar

I don’t know Canadian laws. Will taking the job effect any disability benefits you get?

talljasperman's avatar

@Judi I can earn $800 a month without penalty. @all I moved to a better apartment in Red Deer. I will wait to look for a job after a get back In shape.

Judi's avatar

That’s great.

janbb's avatar

@talljasperman Just a suggestion but maybe having a job will help get you back in shape?

JLeslie's avatar

I think take the job now, and everything else will fall into place. Looking for a job can be stressful, and this one has been brought to you.

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