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ucme's avatar

When was the most recent time you won something & what was it?

Asked by ucme (50052points) August 21st, 2013

Cash, prize, years supply of interesting questions to ask on the internet…or something/anything else.

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14 Answers

Headhurts's avatar

I entered the Tour De France competition last year and I was one of five to win the Tours exercise bike worth £1500. Was very proud, never won anything before.

ucme's avatar

@Headhurts Wowsers, you impress me every time you open your mouth, not that way ya dirty buggers!
So what did you do with this prize, kept it, or ebay?

Berserker's avatar

I won a tent at a work party two years ago…a tent. Never used it, but now, I have a tent. It’s one of those dome ones, so that automatically makes it cool. Dome tents!

Now I know this isn’t what you were asking, but the best thing I ever won was a contest on the radio, and the prize was a premiere screening of Halloween H2O. I went with my dad, and there was a few other contest winners, we otherwise had the whole theater to ourselves haha.

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline No, anything goes, so long as it was won in some way, it’s all good.
Dome tents, particularly useful in the 70’s with all those huge afro cuts.

johnpowell's avatar

Last thing I won was when I worked at a movie theater. All the Ushers (we had to clean the theaters after you slobs) had a midnight cleaning competition after we closed. All of us were livid since they made people go in at midnight that didn’t work that day. Fuck you Regal Cinemas

I was partners with my roommate at the time and we did win.

The prize…. A five dollar gift certificate at Cinnabon.

Fuck Regal Cinemas.

YARNLADY's avatar

Is it called winning when we get a prize for attending a 90 minute marketing presentation? We won a Caribbean Cruise last week, but of course have no intention of taking it. It does not include transportation to the site, and you have to pay a supposedly refundable fee upfront to cover taxes. HA!

We also won a $100 restaurant card which appears to be legitimate. We haven’t tried using it yet.

bunnyslippers's avatar

I won a couple logo contests on 99 designs a while back, but I haven’t been able to repeat that feat in quite a while. I guess that’s what I get for being mediocre at my job.

Sunny2's avatar

A long time ago, I won second place in a menu/original recipe contest in a national magazine. The money was enough to pay a one way fare to Europe on an ocean liner. I took advantage of it and spent 3 months traveling in Europe on a motor scooter. It was an adventure of a life time.

Mariah's avatar

I won a free minigolf game. They spun a wheel after our game and if the number it landed on was a hole where you had gotten a hole in one, you got a free game. Incidentally, I also came in last out of my group of friends, which won me a free small ice cream from the shop across the street. That was a good day.

zenvelo's avatar

I won a free book from Penguin in a twitter response contest. First to reply to a tweeted question won a paperback.

YARNLADY's avatar

Oh, I forgot about the wheel spin at a member’s only reception for the California Railroad Museum, I spun the wheel and won a pluot. The exhibit was honoring the transportation of California fruit to the rest of the country.

Headhurts's avatar

@ucme I put it in eBay, and got £1200 for it. Paid off my overdraft, and bought an iPad. I thought it was a joke when ITV called me, I screamed down phone and told them a dozen times “I’ve never won anything before”.

ucme's avatar

@Headhurts What did you have to do to win it? Usual multiple choice question about the Tour & into a draw?

Headhurts's avatar

@ucme Yes, and I did it online. I never thought people won online.

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