Social Question

AnonymousWoman's avatar

How do you feel about what is being said about Australian law and labiaplasty? (Very NSFW)

Asked by AnonymousWoman (6538points) August 23rd, 2013

My boyfriend recently showed me a thread on Reddit that he found interesting and showed it to me.

This is the picture that has caused such a ruckus. Be warned: It is very, very, very NSFW.

This is the entire Reddit thread dedicated to the topic.

These comments are the 3 I was paying extra attention to and would like your opinions on especially:




I trust that Flutherites will have a mature discussion about this and that’s one of the reasons I chose to come here to start one about this. Thanks!

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10 Answers

augustlan's avatar

Porn, in general, can lead young men to think “this is what a woman looks like” and young women to think, “this is what I should look like” – creating all sorts of unrealistic expectations and pressures. Australia’s well-intentioned rules about pornography exacerbate an already-existing problem. I say “well-intentioned” because I get what they’re trying to do…the vagina rule is only for soft-core porn, and they apparently have another rule about no young women with small breasts appearing in porn (to lessen the appeal for pedophiles). As with so many other rules/laws, there are unintended consequences. It’s time for the Australian government to re-examine their stance, I think.

CWOTUS's avatar

I’m pro-choice on everything.

What that means is: I support the right of responsible adults to choose for themselves what to read, what to watch on television and in movies, how to use their free time, what to eat, drink, smoke and paint onto or inject into their bodies. I support the right of people to pray – or not – to any god or gods of their choosing, and to make a new choice if the current one isn’t working out. I support the right of adults to assemble, to discuss and to complain about anything. I support the right of people to defend themselves with deadly force if necessary, their families and friends, and even strangers, from violent attack and robbery. I support the right of people to be secure in their homes (and cars) from violent invasion by thugs (even ones with badges and uniforms) and spies (even the ones whose salaries they pay). I support the right of people to earn what they can through legal and non-coercive means, and to keep most of that for their own use and disbursement as they see fit.

In a word, freedom.

Apparently, Australia and I are not on the same page, in varying degrees. Nor is the United States. Still, that just means that those places are “imperfect” for me; I’m sure Australia is still a mostly very fine place as is the USA.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I never, ever in my life even gave a moment’s thought to what I might look like, and I’ve never heard any complaints! This (the idea, not the question) is just stupid.

josie's avatar

When it comes to publishing pictures of one’s small boobs or vagina, it ought to be WYSIWYG. Clearly, in the US, people have a different approach. Look at Anthony Weiner for example, or Brittany Spears. Completely un-retouched.

It seems that often enough the people who favor Government micro-regulation are the same ones who seem bewildered when regulations screw things up more than if everybody simply minded their own business.

The examples just keep on coming.

drhat77's avatar

Beauty in general has become pretty nucking futs lately. This trend will continue to get worse until we all snap out of it. or you know, not

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I think vaginas and labia are taboo for sexist reasons, obviously. I like the cover because there is nothing wrong with any person’s vagina or labia and the diversity of bodies should be celebrated. I don’t find the poster shocking, just not something you see often, which is precisely the point. That these body parts are disembodied is a bit concerning to me, but I get it.

ETpro's avatar

First, let me disclaim my very strong bias. I love vaginas. I love them to be natural in every respect. Big lips or tiny, however nature designed them, that’s fine. I far prefer a natural shock of hair to shaved even if it’s smooth, and razor stubble is a turn-off. I’d also prefer that lips and clits be free of piercings.

Coming from that bias, I think the Australian law is every bit as ridiculous and the 2nd post in the questions details claimed it to be. I think the law is stupid, and the people who see airbrushed slits and decide to have plastic surgery to look like a photoshopped version of humanity are stupid.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@ETpro ” I’d also prefer that lips and clits be free of piercings.” Dang, there goes my dream of you and me.

ETpro's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I’m always willing to make exceptions. I might prefer dark chocolate, but that doesn’t mean I’ll turn my nose up at a nice piece of milk chocolate.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@ETpro Well, thank you ;)

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