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ucme's avatar

Socks/Shoes/Trousers: Which foot/leg do you put in first & do you alternate or always do this?

Asked by ucme (50052points) August 23rd, 2013

I always do my left foot (Daniel Day Lewis) no bloody idea why, but there you go.
These are the pressing questions of the day folks, at least for ya troosers =0}

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49 Answers

tedibear's avatar

Socks seem to be left foot first. Pants… I don’t know! Will post again once I have stripped and re-dressed.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’m a righty and always put on the right side first.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Right foot first.

zenvelo's avatar

I am not consistent. And I have some high quality socks that have an L or R on them, so I take it however it is labeled. But I am right handed/right legged, so I probably go rightie first 75% of the time.

It is not something I lose sleep over; I am not OCD that way at all.

Seek's avatar

I’m typically right foot first. But I had to think about it. It’s a totally unconscious routine.

ucme's avatar

Yeah, a complete random thing, I only noticed the other day & came to realise that it’s always the same foot. I’m going to try to use my right foot just to see how fucking weird it feels.

ucme's avatar

Yup, felt very strange, almost fell over putting a pair of shorts on.
It’s the opposite with me when it comes to sleeves, just found that out too, how fascinating :D

marinelife's avatar

I always put left foot first.

drhat77's avatar

I put my right leg in. Then I take my right leg out. Then I put it in again. stop me if you see where this is going. Then I shake it all about.
I do the hokey-pokey and I turn myself about!
It’s probably a muscle memory thing – an automatic action that you’ve delegated to a lower area of your brain so you don’t have to waste conscious resources on it. Which ironically you are now bringing back into your conscious mind.

ucme's avatar

Cheers @drhat77 you just lost me a bet, the wife said the hokey cokey would appear within 10 answers :(

drhat77's avatar

@ucme maybe I AM your wife. Were you watching her (me) the whole time?

tups's avatar

I have never thought about this in my life before… But I will do now!!!

ucme's avatar

@drhat77 My head just exploded!
@tups Do it, it’ll change your life ;-}

ucme's avatar

For those lurkers who take everything so seriously, wipe your mouths & realise it’s just a bit of fun.
There, I bet that feels a whole load better :)

Sunny2's avatar

Right leg in pants first. Sox? I have no idea. And some times it’s sock sock/ shoe shoe; other times, sock shoe/sock shoe. Barefoot and sandals, it’s right foot, left foot. Gloves, it’s right hand/ left hand. Earrings? right/left. I’ll have to change some of those. Godforbid I should get in a rut.

JLeslie's avatar

Left foot always. I also turn to left naturally, skip up first on my left before a dive, and cartwheel left. I’m right handed.

ucme's avatar

@Sunny2 You left out bra & knickers ;-}

JLeslie's avatar

LOL. Left breast for sure. JK. Although, actually, I do pull up the left bra strap first.

ucme's avatar

Strap is what I meant, breasts were very far from my mind…ish.

JLeslie's avatar

Yeah right.

ucme's avatar

No, left :D

JLeslie's avatar

Figures someone from from the UK would say left. All that driving on the wrong side and all that. :)

Seriously, do you think it has to do with balance? If I said to you stand on one leg, is the leg you remain standing on the one you first put into a shoe, sock or pant?

drhat77's avatar

@JLeslie are you sure someone from the UK wouldn’t say left because of their socialist leanings? finally derailed this innocuous convo into a hot button issue!

Sunny2's avatar

@ucme Oops, so I did. Bra, I dive in with both arms. Knickers are definitely right left. A belt may go left right or right left. I forget every time how I want it to come out and take it anyway it comes.

majorrich's avatar

Now that she’s getting older, the bosoms pretty much hit the Bra at the same time as she leans over and kind of waggles them in there. The Wife unit that is… Im right left right left

ucme's avatar

@JLeslie No, I just stood on my right leg…my big toe hurts.

JLeslie's avatar

Interesting. There goes that hypothesis, unless you are the exception that proves the rule. If you spin around do you naturally spin to the left?

If you are acting all this out I hope your wife is watching so she can have a laugh.

I’m trying to find a pattern among the answers. But, it seems rather random.

Pachy's avatar

Coincidentally, I ran into this issue just this morning. When putting on a pair of walking shorts, I put the right leg in first and suddenly couldn’t figure out how to put the left one in. Thinking I must have started with the wrong leg, I tested it with left leg first and voila, the process went smoothly. Not sure whether this left-right routine is wired in or if it’s because I have a bum left knee.

drhat77's avatar

@JLeslie I am watching him, and he is spinning!

ucme's avatar

@JLeslie Okay, so now you want me to put on a pair of trousers while standing on one leg, all this time spinning & I have to remember which way round it all went.
Should I just call for an ambulance now & save a bit of time?

dxs's avatar

I’m ambidextrous. I’m not consistently starting with one side when I put on socks, shoes or pants.

JLeslie's avatar

@dxs Your ambidextrous hands and feet? I never thought about that before.

flutherother's avatar

Always left foot first with me, with jumpers it’s left arm first.

Seek's avatar

I think the bra needs a whole separate question…

JLeslie's avatar

@dxs What I meant was I never thought about whether ambidextrous people also don’t favor a side. For instance, I write with my right, but turn to my left. My mom is lefty, but she cooks with her right hand and cuts, and I have no idea which way she likes to turn or which foot she starts with when she puts on her socks shoes or slacks.

hearkat's avatar

Right pant leg, right sock, right shoe.
Left pant leg, left sock, left shoe.
Stand up, button, zip and go.

JLeslie's avatar

@hearkat Ok, wait, this is something I did not even consider. You complete all one side before you start the other?

I put on my slacks (both legs) then socks (both feet) then shoes (both feet). All I start on the left first.

hearkat's avatar

@JLeslie – Yup. Because I’m a weirdo and I have put thought into it, and I find that it’s much more efficient to sit once and do one side at a time.

JLeslie's avatar

Interesting. It would not even occur to me to do it that way. Sometimes my shoes are by the door, not where I am dressing.

hearkat's avatar

My shoes are in my room – in my wardrobe or the drawer under the bed. I get them at the same time I pull out my outfit.

deni's avatar

ALWAYS the right foot first. Sometimes I try to switch it up and put my left in first. It is soo weird.

tedibear's avatar

Pants – left leg first. Shoes are whichever one I grab first.

JLeslie's avatar

@tedibear You made me realize if they are slip on summer sandals it would be whatever is closest to my feet. But, if it is a lace up shoe or a loafer I would always go with the left first.

dxs's avatar

@JLeslie In retrospect I think that first response I made was terribly worded. I’m not ambidextrous, I’m a lefty. I was trying to reference my ability to put on pants/socks/shoes starting with either side without hesitation. I realize now that that’s not even close to how other people would comprehend it. My mind was off.

JLeslie's avatar

@dxs No problem. I thought ambidextrous only applies to using both hands equally, I probably was being too literal. Or, possibly I am wrong and it applies to feet and legs also.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I had to really think about this one. Pants seems to be random. Shoes and socks I tend to put right foot on first but when I’m taking them off I take off the left first….odd

tedibear's avatar

Pantyhose – left foot first!

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