Why does Savannah (7 months) scream bloody murder whenever someone leaves the room?
She just started doing this about 3 days ago.
My daughter and her two older kids, Brande and Aden, will all be in the living room with the babies, and if any ONE of them leaves the room Savannah just WIGS OUT. I just called Corrie and Savannah was just screaming bloody murder in the back ground. Corrie had just walked into the kitchen to fix her a bottle. While I was on the phone she finished up the bottle, then went back into the living room and was saying, “Savannah! Look! Here I am! Savannah!” Savannah instantly quit screaming.
I know about separation anxiety, and object permanence, all that kind of thing, but this is a bit extreme to me! Do you guys have any ideas?
I told Corrie she needs to put a big picture of herself on the wall!
Also, Savannah has been around my dogs many times, but just recently she started expressing fear when the dogs (especially our big shepherd) come around her.
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22 Answers
My trick for the permanence/separation spazz-out times was to put my bras on a rotation. Before putting one in the wash, I put it in his bed/crib/wherever he was. That way, if I had to leave for a second, he could still smell me.
Hmmmm. I’ll text my daughter. “Put ur bra by her.” The response should be interesting!
Ha ha ha. It was the best piece of advice I got from a friend before he was born. Now I pass it on to everyone.
The only person it hasn’t worked for so far is utterly obsessed with body spray and doesn’t breastfeed. ^_^ They should just put a rag soaked in Victoria’s Secret LoveSpell in the crib.
Pediatrics have shown that sticking a bottle of milk in a screaming sprog’s mouth and putting one’s bra over its head will induce separation acceptance. ;-)
Msg sent! I’ve just never known a kid to just freak out so bad. And it’s odd that you can have 3 people in a room with her, and if just one leaves, she freaks, even if Mom is still there! It’s been a long time, but I remember the baby starting to cry a little when I left, but all I had to do was poke my head around the corner and say, “I’m here!” and then keep talking so he/she could hear me, and they calmed down.
Better yet, @Brian1946. Corrie already knows I’m nuts so that suggestion shall come as no surprise.
Texting “Put your bra on her head.”
She did it once, the person came right back, and now she knows what to do to get them to stay. Clever girl.
But they don’t come right back! Like, her 9 year old left the room to go into the kitchen, Savannah set to screaming, Brande started to come right back in, and Corrie made a point of telling Brande to stay in the kitchen for a minute!
Did Savannah stop screaming fairly quickly? Or, did she wait until Corrie did come back? I guess she doesn’t want Corrie to leave and since she doesn’t talk yet she screams bloody murder. It’s cute from over here where I sit, but I’m not in the room. I think the bra trick is worth a try though.
This sounds like a baby who has lots of people around her who love her and make her happy. She doesn’t want any of them to leave. Once she realizes that they do come back, she will be less upset at their departure. Have you tried telling her before you leave the room that you (or whoever) are leaving for a minute, but you will be right back? You can also play peak-a-boo with her, so she can begin to learn that being out of sight doesn’t mean being gone forever—which she might think now.
All babies have different sensibilities, and you can help her with this.
Also, always let her know if you are really leaving for a while. If you don’t let her know, she might always be frightened that your leaving could be for a much longer time. Giving her the information she needs might help her—even though she is just a baby.
@skfinkel Thanks.
@JLeslie No…she screamed for as long as Corrie was gone. She’s LOUD! Funny how she reacts that way but her twin bro could care less!
@skfinkel O! You’re Ben’s Mom! Did you know that??? :)
Alrighty then. I am back to the screaming works. She’s a smart cookie. Except that she is going to rough up her vocal chords. Hopefully this stage passes fast.
Yeah, she’s just going to have to get over it. I mean, what else is there for it? Corrie’s going to try the smell thing. I’ll let you know how that works. Interesting…Corrie just stopped by. She came in for a sec, left the kids in the car. Savannah didn’t scream then. I wonder if it’s because she couldn’t see Corrie leaving?
Separation anxiety. At 7 months the infant is just starting to recognize it’s separateness from mommy and this creates anxiety. Teaching infants to self soothe is very important. Obviously you do not leave them screaming alone for more than a few minutes, but….when my daughter was a baby I found that she would always either calm down or fall asleep within 5 minutes.
Sure it was a loooong 5 minutes to mom, but always worked.
I also never made a fuss and just matter of factly, with no anxiety vibes, out her down, said “nite nite” and left the room.
Also…something else I did and recommend is to get the baby used to drinking water from a small bottle. Water is just as important to infants as it is to adults and a small bottle of water gives them something to suck on and relax with. Better than a pacifier, good for them, gives them the calming sucking action AND…is very good for their developing teeth.
I know what it is Coloma. I’ve just never seen it to this extreme! I did the water thing. I’ve suggested it to Corrie, but she is resistant to it for some reason.
Or, just very controlling. LOL. Time will tell.
Awww. I need a couple of those. I’m seriously starting to freak out I never had children. Sorry to go off on a tangent, but the photo got me going.
I’m sorry. But you can borrow them, I’ll bet. Nothing says “I Love You” like a baby who starts screaming bloody murder when you leave the room.
Because she’s seven months old.
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