Social Question

KNOWITALL's avatar

Sovereign Citizens - how do you feel about this?

Asked by KNOWITALL (29979points) August 23rd, 2013

A Las Vegas couple who plotted to kidnap and kill police officers are part of a growing movement whose adherents believe they aren’t subject to laws and follow a complex theory about the secret enslavement of American citizens, authorities say.

“Sovereign citizens” trace alternate versions of American history, the center says.

Some believe that the American government secretly replaced the system designed by the founding fathers with a version of maritime law and enslaved citizens, and that judges around the country are in on the secret.

Some also believe that the government, at the birth of each child in the United States, sets up a corporate shell account and assigns the rights of the child to the account-holders, the center says.

By filing frivolous lawsuits, “sovereign citizens” adherents believe they can free themselves from the corporate masters and access the money in their shell accounts, the center says.

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9 Answers

syz's avatar

Just more nutbags.

YARNLADY's avatar

It’s called Social Security. I’m getting mine right now, but there probably won’t be any left by the time many of your younger jellies get old enough.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Totally off the wall. Nutso,

We had some of those here in Georgia –

They went to jail.

josie's avatar


KNOWITALL's avatar

I want my money dang it haha!! (Just kidding)

elbanditoroso's avatar

@KNOWITALL – you only get $3K !!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@elbanditoroso Good, that’s all I need- ha!

janbb's avatar

Almost reminds me of the Scientologists.

ETpro's avatar

Like so many conspiracy theorist, they blend in just enough truth in their claims to rope more and more people in. They claim to be worried that America is becoming a police state, and that’s an increasingly legitimate concern. Daniel Ellsberg just wrote an editorial about the exact same concern in Huffington Post yesterday. Ellsberg’s no wild-eyed nutcase. But becoming a police-less state isn’t the answer.

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