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KNOWITALL's avatar

How far would you go to save an animal?

Asked by KNOWITALL (29972points) August 23rd, 2013

As stated, wild or domestic, yours or someone else’s. We’ve all seen video’s of rescues by brave people, and Americans especially are crazy about their pets.

So, how far would you go?

My silly self loves animals more than most humans so I’d probably risk it all, dumb but true, we’ve all got our blind spots.

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19 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Hmmm…well, I have already saved my cat from a rattlesnake bite last year, got him in time to the emergency vet and he survived after $800 in treatment.
I spent thousands on my old crippled goose before putting her down in 08, threw myself off my horse years ago when she bolted down a rocky cliff to spare us both a bad fall. I took the hit, she was fine, and shattered my shoulder, among other various contusions and a concussion. haha
I have stopped in the middle of the highway to rescue migrating California pond turtles and deliver them to lakes, streams and rivers in my county.

I have set up the “RTU”...rodent trauma unit for cat caught mice, rats, gophers, voles and moles. I used to volunteer for a local wildlife rescue.
I always do what I can, be that physically or monetarily if I am at all able.

wildpotato's avatar

Quite far. In the past I have done stuff most people seem to consider kind of nuts, such as stopping my car (on a safe bit of road with blinkers on) to prod turtles off the road, being late for work because I was attempting to catch an injured NYC pigeon to take to Pigeon Rescue (no success – by the time I begged a box off a grocer the bird made it out of reach), making my mom drive hours away to the wild bird center when I found an injured chick out of its nest at the age of 13, and abandoning plans to try to catch strays.

One thing I will not do is swerve for animals in the road if there are cars around. Seems like a self-evident thing, for sure, but I know a girl who once seriously endangered everyone in her car in order to avoid hitting a coon. And didn’t see anything wrong with what she had done!

longgone's avatar

Mine: As far as I would for saving the people I love.
Someone else’s: As far as I would for people I don’t know.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

As far as I’d go to save any human being.

Paul often teases me by referring to Martin as “the $5,000 cat.” Martin had a fatal condition, but he could be saved with surgery, so I didn’t think twice about proceeding and paying.

jonsblond's avatar

I won’t risk my life or the life of others, but I’ll do the best I can.

Paradox25's avatar

I’m reasonably certain that I’d risk, or even give my own life to save my two cats.

KaY_Jelly's avatar

Well I practically starve myself on a daily basis for animals. lol. That is a joke. There a plenty of things to eat and products to use without animals in them. That being said I would go pretty far. when I first turned vegan I had no clue and literally did starve myself for about 1 week. I collapsed at the house with a strange fainting spell. I later convinced myself I was detoxifying my body. I am much better at it now. lol.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I’ve gone far and will go farther.

josie's avatar

Critters are great and I love them all. I do.

Having said it, I would not sacrifice my life, or more than $500 for a critter. I would relieve their suffering, if need be, for nothing.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I’d go pretty far to save my animals. I probably wouldn’t risk my life, but I might consider it.

Blondesjon's avatar

Eleven meters.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

As several others have said, I’d go pretty far, but not as far as risking my life. I have human kids to think about first.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Isn’t it crazy, the endless brutality? I wonder what people lack that makes them indifferent. Psycho’s.

Berserker's avatar

I wouldn’t do it if it would endanger my own life, but I can go far enough. Well I guess that’s easy to say when I’ve never really done it, never came across an animal that was in dire need of help that I was able to catch. Once I saw a seagull in a parking lot that was bleeding like mad and I tried to go to it. I just scared the shit out of it and it wobbled away. Wasn’t able to fly, and I could have made more of an effort, but even if I had, I wouldn’t have known what to do with it, or how to care for it. And what help am I going to get? Nobody’s going to help a seagull.
Although once I found a very small kitten out in the bush, he was so small that he had no formed ears. I took him, brought him to the vet and I was informed that said kitten wasn’t done needing his mother’s milk. So they sold me special milk for me to feed him with. Damn cat wouldn’t have it, I had to force feed him the milk with this little funnel thing they supplied. But now he’s a grown adult badass macho cat, and a pet of mine. :D That’s more finding an animal rather than it is going out of one’s way to save one but it’s the best story I got. Lawlz.

So, I guess only when it’s convenient? I suck. LD

Also when I was small, I witnessed a cat fuck up a crow. I went over there and the cat ran off. The crow was severely injured, its guts were hanging out of him and he was squawking like crazy. I got real upset at seeing this, so I stomped on the crow with my foot so that it would shut up and die. I put it out of its misery, although that wasn’t my intention, I was panicking. Life is odd, and very frightening at times, especially when faced with your own self when it comes to other life. :(

ucme's avatar

There was a fairly recent question that touched on this, slightly different angle in that it concentrated on saving an animal over a human life.
I’d do everything in my power to save my dawg from peril & don’t even want to think of the potential scenarios surrounding such an event, would probably act on pure instinct anyway.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I would do what I could at a reasonable cost. I will never have a vet bill more than $1000. I would not risk another person’s life for a critter.
When I am on a high speed, two lane road I try to slow dawn but I do not swerve more than an inch or two to avoid an animal in the road – even a deer. Too many people lose control of their cars trying to avoid a squirrel. They get killed and/or take out someone else in the oncoming lane.

wildpotato's avatar

@Symbeline Here is an organization (not sure how close to you) that will rehab wild birds. Pretty sure that includes gulls. If you ever happen upon an injured one again, that is.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I totally understand your sentiment of loving animals more than human beings. I spent the last 23 years as a nurse for humans and have risked my life for them on occasion while on the job. But I don’t like seeing any animal, including humans (as disappointing as they can be especially when emboldened within certain groups) suffer or die needlessly if I can help them.

I probably wouldn’t risk my life or much property for an animal outside of my species, but that really hasn’t been tested. I certainly won’t risk anything to save edible fish, because I eat them. Dolphins and porpoises are special and I don’t eat them and would do what I could to save them. I see them often in the Gulf and Caribbean and they are always good company to keep on a lonely voyage. I chum for them sometimes. Whales, seals and otters are also very special to me. Sharks are on their own, however, but I mean them no harm and don’t eat them either.

I’ve worked cleaning oil-soaked birds with solvents for the local bird sanctuary after the Gulf Oil Spill in 2010, have built habitat for my favorites, the Ospreys, and watched over Loggerhead turtle nests on my home beaches,. It sounds like a lot of volunteering, but it really isn’t—I’ve lived on beaches for 40 of my 60 years and have given less than a cumulative four years to wildlife volunteering. It just makes sense as this is my habitat, too, and it would be a terribly lonely place without these little friends. And I must confess that these are social engagements as much as a lust to save the animal world from us. I find many of the people that do disaster work—whether it be in Haiti after the Earthquake or on the Gulf Coast after the Oil Spill—to be basically good people, people I can like, people worthy and capable of the loyalty and work of a long-term relationship.

Also, I have a very special place in my heart for dogs and horses. I would go pretty far for a dog or a horse. Same for the dog’s marine counterparts: seals and otters. I would have to be awfully hungry or cold to kill any of them.

crushingandreaming's avatar

I love animals any kind, because they are loyal I would go to the end of earth to have my baby back (puppy) he was only 5 months old when he was diagnosed with a rare rare rare ageing diesease and I had to put him down, he was my everything and I lost it when I had to do that he was born 9–2-13 he died 1–27-14.
To answer your question I would do anything.

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