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tinyfaery's avatar

Best hands-free headset for iPhone?

Asked by tinyfaery (44302points) June 20th, 2008 from iPhone

July 1 CA drivers must use hands free devices for cellphones while driving. Before I spend money on one, I’d like to know which devices ya’ll think is the best for an iPhone.

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5 Answers

waterskier2007's avatar

i have a plantronics discovery and i like it. i havent tested others though. it has redial, answering via device, and it comes with all the things u need like a car charger, usb charger, and 6 different earpieces

jetpilot8's avatar

I have heard nothing but great things about the apple one from friends. I personally have tried them and don’t really care for any of them hanging on my ear.

jballou's avatar

I have both the Apple bluetooth and the Jawbone, and both are excellent. The Jawbone is more secure because it has an over-the-ear hook which the Apple headset doesn’t have, but on the flip side, the Apple headset comes with an iPhone dock that it can plug into as well and it’s battery life is shown on the iPhone screen next to the iPhone’s battery life, so they are very well integrated together, and it’s nice to know exactly how much juice is left on your headset. It also automatically pairs. If you’re a sound quality guy, the Jawbone has the edge there, as the Apple one is basically the same as an iPod earphone. The Jawbone has built in noise cancellation and some kind of fancy bone conduction mic that picks up the vibrations from your actual jaw (hence the name, Jawbone) and provides a clearer voice to whoever you’re talking to. The two units cost about the same. Good luck

499335508crazygrape's avatar

i dont have a bluetooth but i’ve heard they clip on to your ears so it sounds like a great idea to me! good luck choosing: )

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