Did any of you just send me the enchanting book, "Red Tails in Love: A Wildlife Drama in Central Park," by Marie Winn?
I just received this charming story from an Amazon seller. He forgot to put the gift card in so I do not know whom to thank. Anyone here want to take credit? It arrived two days ago. The sender must know me well.
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28 Answers
I’d like to take credit, but no. haha
I’m just Coloma morning glory seed. :-)
More blooms this morning, both pink and white… all on the deck pots. They are climbing up the aging stalks of the tomato plants, a perfect symbiosis.
Is that about Lola and Pale Male by any chance? I would like to take credit too, but alas, cannot.
It is, but Pale had several different inamoratas. Jan, if you are looking for a wonderful journal about that saga plus many other irresistible birding and birder stories, written by a woman who doesn’t get a single word wrong, this is it. It has sex, violence and politics but in judicious doses and won’t offend the most straitlaced or prudish reader.
‘won’t offend the most straitlaced or prudish reader.” And you know that would be me!
And I thought Lola was his only love!
He would have been faithful, i am sure. Unfortunately, nature and life in the city took their toll.
Read the memoir; it is really wonderful.
Can you contact the seller?
I have contacted the email address listed on the packing slip and hope that he will be willing to share the purchaser’s name; there may be in issue of confidentiality. It is clearly from someone who knows me well.
The events that triggered the book took place over ten years ago, but the saga of the red-tails who nested on the twelve floor of a Fifth Ave. apartment next to Woodie Allen’s digs keeps re-emerging in birders’ (and writers’) conversations.
z ^^Correct, again.You’d think I’d learn.
@ucme I thought that was a status update!
@janbb Yeah, coz I gets all excited when it comes to literature.
@ucme Well, you are excited by birds, right?
@janbb Indeed, I believe we share an interest in ornithology, I heard you like a cock-a-too ;-}
We’d better not derail (or debranch?) @gailcalled‘s thread any more.
Yeah, she may fly off the handle, or even worse, set Milo on our feathered arses.
Not I, but I hope you do find out.
A mystery! This is exciting! Let us know when you find out.
Someone of the Finkel persuasion, mayhap? Or Oliver Mellors? Your lunchtime pals? A secret admirer?
I know who! It was Milo!
It definitely wasn’t me, but I wish it had been. Enjoy the book and the mystery!
Tomorrow when I have a minute, I will quote one of the sex scenes.
(Oliver Mellors? Only you, Jan. And I never think of him as having a first name.)
Okay, I confess, twas me who sent aforementioned package across the pond.
I’m more than impressed with the USPS however, considering the envelope was marked only with @gailcalled EEH-MERRY-KA-c/o Milo
Mystery solved. Book seller just emailed me.
It was indeed an old (“old” being the key word) boyfriiend. We reconnected at a 45th HS reunion in 2011 and had a brief (“brief” being the key word.) fling.
Keep in mind how easy it is to surprise someone in a happy way. This “gently used” book cost one cent plus a few bucks for shipping and handling.
Certainly more fun than thinking about Syria.
How nice to be so kindly remembered. And very warmly, too, to judge from the implicit message.
What a wonderful gesture! I’m glad you solved this mystery.
Edit; reunion was in 2001.
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