Social Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Have you ever had a stalker?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11178points) August 25th, 2013

I had one in the past. An ex. For a year after we broke up, he would bike by my house. He lived 30 minutes away, but just so happened to be in my part of town (small childhood street), the first time that I confronted him. Later, I would catch him riding by. He slowed down as he get closer to my house. Creepy.

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20 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I had a 30 year old woman that wanted my butt when I was 20 or so. She came to my house several times. Creeped me out. It’ll cure you of future stalking urges though.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Yes. I got a restraining order & had him arrested twice. He left me alone after that, luckyfor him.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@KNOWITALL I wouldn’t mess with you. You can be mean. :)

spiritual's avatar

Yes it was very scary!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I was in my early 30’s, in college. There was some guy in one of my classrooms. We had taken a break and were outside smoking. He asked if he could have a smoke. I said, “Sure.”
Man, this guy turned out to be CREEPY. Creepy. The final was a take home test. He wrote this rambling, incoherent love letter to me on the back of his. I can’t remember what all he wrote, but things like, “I can love you like you won’t believe,” and “We can be together forever.”
I freaked. I called the teacher and said “I know we’re supposed to turn in our final at the last class next week, but I have a problem. George won’t be turning in his final because wrote me this freaky, creepy love letter on the back of his!”
He gave me permission to skip the last day and just turn it in the day before.
Glad this was pre-internet days.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Hellz yeah, even my dog hated that guy though- ha!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@KNOWITALL Dogs are usually pretty good judges of character. Glad you got rid of him.:)
(The guy, not the dog)

Headhurts's avatar

Yes, when I lived in my home town. He was a doctor. I worked in a Solicitors and he used us to buy a house. He took a liking to me. Bought me flowers, lots of flowers. When he asked me out and I turned him down, thats when it started. He searched my medical records and would call me at work t and read them out to me. He was from Iran and said he wanted to take me home for his brothers. Then he sent me a picture of 10 ways for suicide bombers to kill.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Headhurts Home for his brothers? That’s one of the creepiest things I’ve ever heard.

Headhurts's avatar

@KNOWITALL Yes, I didn’t ask questions. I was pretty scared of him.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

That is beyond scary. That he would dig into your medical records like that is a violation of all kinds of ethical rules. If anything like that happens you should document the dates and the details of the calls. But don’t get angry and go to the medical oversight board (s). This guy had psycho written all over him.

Headhurts's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I told my boss. He got him struck off. Apparently I wasn’t the only one. There were a few fair skinned red headed women he targeted.

Paradox25's avatar

Several times, but I’ll mention the ordeal that stands out to me the most. I ‘met’ a girl who moved to my area (rural) from New York City while I was working as a mechanic at a food plant. She worked on my shift as a sanitation worker, so we crossed paths frequently.

It started with her making small talk with me while I was working on equipment she was cleaning. I didn’t do nothing special to indicate interest in her (I thought), and I just wasn’t attracted to her. Well to make a long story short she stated that she tried to stab two of her past boyfriends for cheating on her. She also stated that she was in the Army briefly, but got discharged for assualting one of her superior NCO’s. She was always talking crazy, and I’m not sure if I could believe anything she said, but considering the fact that I wasn’t attracted to her to begin with, her crazy talk made her more repulsive to me.

I was planning on leaving that company before meeting her for other reasons (the job sucked and didn’t pay well). I figured that I just won’t tell her I’m putting my two weeks in, and just disappear. Well, that didn’t work either. Somehow she got word of my leaving the company and she made sure she sat at a table by the one door I had to use to exit the plant when the shift was over. She gave me her number, and asked me for mine. I figured I’d play another trick and give her the wrong number. I just ended that brief encounter by stating to her that I’ll be busy with my new job, but maybe we’ll run into each other ‘down the road’.

It was only about a few months later into my new job that I ran into her again. This time she found out where I’d lived, and when I went to get in my truck to go to work (at night) there was her car blocking my vehicle in my driveway. We had an argument, and after I left to go to work that night I couldn’t get the fear out of my head. I never ran into her again, but I suspect that she’s been responsible for many odd phone calls and other anomalies.

They say that women aren’t usually attracted to unattached guys, but this hasn’t been the case for me. I’ve had several girls (that I didn’t even date, sleep or go out with) stalk me, but the one I’d mentioned above scared me the most. Some of those girls were rather attractive too, and could of had almost any guy they wanted, so I’m not sure what gives here but these incidents did happen to me.

rojo's avatar

My D-I-L has one.
He/She knows all kinds of crap that they should not know.
My son and grandkids went on a trip with us last week and we purposely did not post anything online and on FB that might indicate she was home alone.
She is armed and dangerous and like she said, “It might be fun to shoot a stalker, but still….. don’t post.” So, we did not.
Actually, it is more than a little disconcerting.

Dutchess_III's avatar

They say that women aren’t usually attracted to unattached guys,” What?

Also, I ‘m curious as to what kind of argument you could have gotten in to @Paradox25!

Paradox25's avatar

^^ ”They say that women aren’t usually attracted to unattached guys,” What?

I was basing that assumption on the other woman tested and approved theory. Personally this resonates very true from my own experiences, and I’ll mention one. I knew several guys who would tell me that they received much more female attention, especially at bars/nightclubs, when they had their rings on. Even some scientific studies have found this to be potentially true, though they’ve been limited so far. I’ll admit that statement came from my own bias.

To answer your other question I’m not getting into great detail here. When I confronted her she stated that she was lost and that she was looking for a house out my way to sell candy for her nephew. I think I caught her off guard because it was at night, and the way my yard is set up leading to my carport makes it very difficult to see someone coming until they’re right at the carport.

I had found this to be too much of a coincidence, and the location of my house is well off of the beaten track. I didn’t want to anger her, so I tried to play dumb and go along with her story. I asked her about the house she was looking for, and it was during that time she changed the subject to how she couldn’t get a hold of me with the number I’d given her.

It was at that point I figured it was do or die, so at that point I simply just stated that I appreciated the fact that she found me interesting, but that I just wasn’t looking to be with anybody currently. I told her that my life was busy between taking care of my invalid grandmother (which was true) and working. I also told her that I was still depressed over my brother dying just a few years earlier (which was true as well) and that I was on a great deal of meds. I was trying to turn her off from being attracted to me. At that point she screamed that I shouldn’t of given her a wrong number, and we exchanged a few words (nothing harsh) and she speeded away.

I never dealt directly with her again, but I suspect that she was the one making calls to my house without saying anything (number was blocked). I would receive some harassing calls too coming from nonfamiliar female voices so I suspected that she may of had some of her friends call me. I dealt with the latter scenerio before with another girl that I had trouble with prior to this one only about 2 years earlier, and I suspected that she had her friends call me as well since the number was from her area, about 30 miles from my house.

To be honest, there were several girls prior to the one mentioned here that could have done been doing this to me, so I don’t really know for sure if all of these incidents originated from her. The last 7 years have been rather quiet for me though. Nothing good came from any of these incidents, and one of those other events even caused me to lose one of my best buddies. Well I’m done here.

Dutchess_III's avatar

” I knew several guys who would tell me that they received much more female attention, especially at bars/nightclubs, when they had their rings on.” That is so wrong on so many levels. Let’s just say that decent women respect the fact that a guy is attached and leave him be.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Let’s say that an intelligent, thinking woman meeting a man, in a bar, with a wedding ring on his hand, trying to pick up chicks, would avoid said scum like the plague.

naynay86's avatar

I for some reason seem to attract all the weirdos and stage 5 clingers! lol…. the strangest would be the weird man that seems to be everywhere I am no matter what club or town I am in. The place could be extremely packed and he will still find me. Never says anything, just kind of comes over, stares, and waves….and then doesn’t leave!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Call the cops.

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