Meta Question

jonsblond's avatar

Has the amount of time to edit answers changed?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) August 25th, 2013

I’ve noticed for about the past week that the amount of time to edit my answers lasts for about a minute, maybe less. Didn’t we used to have 5 minutes to edit answers? Is this a glitch? Am I wrong about the editing time?

Has anyone else noticed this or have this problem?

What up with that?

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13 Answers

janbb's avatar

We have always had 10 minutes. I did notice once recently that it seemed like it had been less than 10 minutes and I couldn’t edit but it’s hard to believe that it would have been changed.

JLeslie's avatar

I asked Auggie about it today. Something is all screwy, it’s awful. Sometimes edit lasts for a minute now.

jonsblond's avatar

I thought something was wrong. Glad I asked!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’ve noticed the problem too.

augustlan's avatar

Yeah, it’s our servers. They can’t seem to keep time accurately, lately! It can vary from like a second to 15 minutes. Craziness! I’m sorry, guys. :(

Pachy's avatar

Oh well… servers are sometimes slow even in the poshest restaurants.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Fortunately, I never need to edit my commnets.

Pachy's avatar

Unfortunately, I usually do. ;-)

ucme's avatar

I’m gonna run with this, in the hope the 10min window is still in effect…
That @jonsblond is such a sexy mama, i’m currently imagining her naked…nice tits ;-}

ucme's avatar

Oh SHIT!! One minute…one lousy minute!!

jonsblond's avatar

Aw, it’s not your fault Auggie. I was just curious. I guess some of us will have to be more careful before we press that answer button!

tom_g's avatar

If this happens, just refresh the page a couple of times until the “edit” link re-appears. This has been happening for a few weeks, and refresh has always worked for me.

jonsblond's avatar

I’ll give it a try. Thanks @tom_g!

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