General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

British Bank Holiday - what are you doing?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33653points) August 26th, 2013

Our friends in the UK have the day off – it is the Summer Bank Holiday, which appears to be a national day just to slough off for no good reason. I’m sure there is some historical antecedent for this day, but I’m not sure what that might be.

So to our friends in Britain – how are you taking advantage of the day off work?

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12 Answers

ucme's avatar

Just got back from a round of golf, cash won, spent on a round of drinks for all…hoorah!!
Currently chillin watching Top Gear Africa Special, niiiice.

seekingwolf's avatar

Sounds like US labor day. That’s next week for us. No purpose for it other than to lounge around and grill stuff.

gailcalled's avatar

What does slough mean here?

downtide's avatar

I was going to be at Manchester Pride but the first three days have wiped me out, and I can’t even stand up today. :( I guess I ran out of spoons.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@gailcalled – I used it in the sense of definition 3:

Where I grew up, “slough off” was a colloquialism that meant “get lazy”, or “skip work”. Sadly, that colloquialism must have been too obscure and too regional to make it into these dictionaries.

marinelife's avatar

A regular day for me. Preparing for vacation next week, working a little.

gailcalled's avatar

@elbanditoroso: Thanks. I would say “slack off.”

Headhurts's avatar

I have been on a bike ride, been on the exercise bike and skipped. Burnt 1115 calories. Nice day in England today. Fancied a glass of wine, so went to the shop, and they wouldn’t serve me withour ID! I am 34 years old. Was so embarrassed. Will have to make do with a cup of tea!

elbanditoroso's avatar

@gailcalled – hey, in my part of Northern Ohio, it was ‘slough off’...

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Headhurts – many people would be complimented to be carded at age 34.

flutherother's avatar

I was working. It isn’t really a British bank holiday as it doesn’t extend to Scotland.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I spent the whole day relaxing yesterday, I can’t remember the last time I did that. I found Private Practise on LoveFilm so I watched a good few episodes of that to get my Addison Montgomery fix and that’s about as strenuous as my day got. It was great and I am ready to get back into my usual busy routine today.

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