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elbanditoroso's avatar

Why are people going crazy objecting to Ben Affleck as the new Batman?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33771points) August 26th, 2013

I’ve never seen such visceral reactions to the announcement that an actor will be playing a role in a future movie. It seems ridiculous to me.

Actors are chosen for roles all the time. Some are good and some are bad choices. Some movies are successful and others flops. That’s part of the game.

But – to have petition drives and demonstrations against a possible Batman? That’s nutty.

What does this say about the Batman fans who are being so noisily negative? Do they realize that Batman was a fictional character?

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17 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Not many people have a lot of respect for Ben’s acting skills unforunately. He also is not a sex object like Clooney.

AshLeigh's avatar

He wouldn’t be my first choice, but I don’t care that much. If you don’t like it, don’t watch the movie.

jerv's avatar

For the same reason there’s such an outcry over DC’s “New 52” revamp of Lobo.

Comic fans are nutty.

SavoirFaire's avatar

The same thing when it was announced that Heath Ledger would be playing the Joker, and now he’s considered to have played that role better than anyone else. Will the same thing happen for Ben Affleck? Probably not. But there’s no reason yet to think it will be a catastrophe.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I’m just amazed that people take it so seriously.

ucme's avatar

Because your typical superhero/sci-fi fanboy is passionate about the genre, bordering on madness.

Katniss's avatar

Heath Ledger was amazing as the Joker. I’ll admit that I had my doubts at first, but he blew me away.
Ben Affleck is a shit actor. He has no skill whatsoever. I have no respect for him at all.
Heath Ledger was a great actor and I had mad love for him before he was the Joker. I was hooked after I saw 10 Things I Hate About You. I loved the chemistry he had onscreen with Julia Stiles.

I’m just really disappointed. My fiancĂ© and I are both huge Batman fans and neither of us are even sure we want to see it now.
I’m sure we will, but it still sucks.

Pachy's avatar

I guess they haven’t anything more important to do. As William Shatner says, they need to get a life.

Katniss's avatar

Hey! Why not have Christopher “McLovin” Mintz-Plasse play Batman?
He was great as “The Motherfucker” in Kick-Ass 2. lol
I love that guy. I could totally get behind that!

mazingerz88's avatar

Ok so Ben Affleck’s gonna play me. Can’t say I dislike him. Goodluck with him. I think he’s a good guy and a very good film director but as an actor, a bit so so. Bale as a predecessor is hard to beat. Damon’s the better moneymaker. Affleck’s films don’t make much money and lucky if they break even. So WB is gambling on controversy here. They know fans will still watch. They will still get their capital. And that’s what counts the most. But seriously, I want Damon to play the Joker. LOL

@katniss Mclovin’s gonna play the next Bruce Banner. And when he turns into the Hulk, that will be played by Will Ferrel. : )

El_Cadejo's avatar

Because some of us still have memories of Daredevil….

I’m also not down with Batman having a Boston accent. “Robin get in the cah”

@mazingerz88 I’m BatmanDamon will be Nightwing and Casey Affleck will be Robin :P

Blondesjon's avatar


mazingerz88's avatar

Wadz dah mattah-? Don’t wanna get in dah cah-?! LOL

filmfann's avatar

If it isn’t me, then it should be Michael Keaton, though Bale did a fine job.
Let’s review

cheebdragon's avatar

Because Michael Keaton is the only good batman.
I could see Ben afflec as Superman though..

Bale was awful, and Heath ledger was a horrible joker, the smeared makeup? Lame! Jack Nicholson was the best joker in my opinion.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@cheebdragon Mark Hamil will always be the voice of the Joker for me.

SABOTEUR's avatar

Simple answer?

Ben Aflec hasn’t proven himself in the role yet, and his previous screen performances lead some people to believe he would be ineffective in the role of Batman. Since Batman is a popular character, we’re getting more opinions concerning his performance than we might receive from a less popular character.

A similar reaction occurred with the announcement of Danial Craig (James Bond) and that new fellow who had the audacity to attempt to fill Christopher Reeve’s shoes (who himself was a George Reeves wannabe).

It’s all “par for the course”.

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