Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

What new law do you want to create?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) August 26th, 2013

I want to make it illegal to word a question on the voting ballot in the negative. What I mean is, let’s say citizens are going to be voting on gay marriage. I think there should be a law that a vote “yes” means you are for it, and no against. I’m tired of the purposely tricky wording.

The other law I want is to make it illegal for the medical world in the US to jack up a fee so they come to the number they want after the insurance discount. I’m sick of it. Sick of the absolute dishonesty in pricing. It’s a total scam. I can’t tell you how many times out of pocket would be cheaper for me than paying what my insurance “negotiated” for me. It is going to give me a nervous breakdown.

What law do you want?

Please don’t answer you want fewer laws or a law to outlaw laws, it’s boring, and now I have already said it.

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19 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

If anyone watched 60 Minutes last night, please tell me how businesses can ding your credit easily, but we cannot ever get a mistake off our credit? The whole thing is ruining lives, ruining credit, but the business owners are ‘satisfied’ because it’s not ruining THEIR credit, only we consumers.

I want to make it illegal for a creditor to have any effect on your credit unless or until they find a way to rectify all the mistakes that are currently on millions.

Pachy's avatar

I’d like mobile phones banned from automobiles. I almost got hit this morning as I was crossing a street on foot with the stop sign by a van, the driver of which was looking down at a phone and clearly unaware of anything or anyone outside the car.

Neodarwinian's avatar

Cell phone use, except for the utmost emergencies, would be a capital crime.

Brian1946's avatar

Rapists should be permanently barred from seeking any contact or custody of any minor children they’ve fathered through rape, even after they’ve served their entire sentence.

Permanent restraining orders will remain in place for the life of the offender.

Life imprisonment without parole will mean the offender will stay imprisoned for the rest of their life, with no possibility of earlier release for “good behavior”, repayment of any political favors, or any other reason.

Katniss's avatar

What’s with all the cell phone hate?

If I had my way, people that harmed animals would be punished as if that animal were a person.

Pachy's avatar

With due respect, @Katniss—get yourself almost hit three times in a week by vehicles with drivers on their phones, or nearly hit a pedestrian in a parking lot who pops out of nowhere totally unaware of anything except his tiny glowing screen, and you might understand “all the cell phone hate.”

Pachy's avatar

By the way, many of us remember that we got along very nicely in our cars before cell phones were invented. ;-)

Katniss's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room I swear it wasn’t me!!
My son sits on my phone when he’s riding with me. He says I can’t be trusted with it.

I’m sorry that you almost got hit. That’s awful!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Convicted pedophiles are sentenced to death, carried out by the parents of the victim.

Chewing gum like a cow chews cud is grounds for one free bitchslap.

Belching loudly in a restaurant automatically adds a twenty dollar “manners fine” to your bill.

Neodarwinian's avatar


I stand corrected.

People who abuse animals should face capital punishment. Compared to some moron shouting into his cellphone as if it was a tin can and string device abusing animals is much more troubling and indicative of purest evil.

YARNLADY's avatar

Let LOVE be the rule.

Everybody has to be nice to everybody else.

ETpro's avatar

There are so many. Corporations are NOT citizens. They have people in them, but they aren’t a person. If they are persons, then bankruptcy judges and creditors who sue to put them into bankruptcy need to be executed for murder.

Supreme Court Justices that just make stuff up instead of actually interpreting the Constitution should be impeached.

This one isn’t a new law, but we need to restore The Glass Steagall Act.

Get special interest money out of politics. Finance elections publically.

Impeach and imprison the lawmakers who are feverishly working to rig elections by disenfranchising demographics that don’t vote the “right” way and drawing voting districts that let them win ⅔rds of the seats in an election where they only get 45% of the popular vote.

Kropotkin's avatar

Everyone must wear clown suits when taking a train.

Cars are banned, unless they’re those comedy cars driven by clowns.

Attractive weather girls must present weather forecasts topless—even if they’re on the radio. (Yes, yes, it’s sexist, blah blah.)

Unicycles will get exclusive use of any “fast lane” on roads.

The word “toward” and its variant “towards” will be pronounced “ham-ster”.

It will be illegal to moderate any internet forum, except for the purpose of preventing moderation.

Pachy's avatar

@Katniss… your son is a wise man and you are a nice lady. :-)

whitenoise's avatar

To make it punishable for politicians to tell a lie in their role a a politician. Not merely through being responsible to senate or chambers or reelection, but through penal law.

Being punishable for any knowing lie in the execution of a public office or in the election race to that office.

It is OK to say ‘I don’t know’ if you don’t. It is a lie if you say you don’t when you do. simple.

I still remember Bush senior promising ‘No more Texas”...

dabbler's avatar

Amendment to the Constitution of the U.S.:
Corporations and partnerships are not people, and money is not speech.

Katniss's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room Thank you! He is a very smart kid. :0)

Cupcake's avatar

I live in the northeast near Canada. We have 7 months of snow here. I’m pretty sure it’s illegal (and dangerous) to shovel your driveway into the street, but people all over the place do it and it is so upsetting to me.

The street is not a safe place to discard your snow or wet leaves.

Another law that is not enforced enough is wearing helmets while bike riding. Parents should be fined if their child is found riding a bike without a helmet.

Headhurts's avatar

Life should mean life. In the UK, life is some stupid amount of time, and then it gets halved and they’re out in piss all time.

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