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elbanditoroso's avatar

(Potentially NSFW) Do adult entertainment workers tell their families and friends what they do?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33771points) August 29th, 2013

Of course, there are a million variations, so I’m looking for a more general answer.

The way I see it, there are solitary sex workers (webcam women, free-lance call girls and prostitutes, escorts, etc.) that ply their trade independently.

And then there are sex workers who are part of group operations (film-making, adult photos, phone-in sex line operations from a call center, etc.) where the person is working in or with a number of people.

To what degree do they tell their friends and family what they do?

(I’m not asking for your moral view on what they should or shouldn’t do – I’m asking if there is any knowledge on what they actually do)

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13 Answers

Seek's avatar

My internal knowledge is limited.

I have a friend who is an exotic dancer. Her family, other than her husband, know where she works, but believe she is a cocktail waitress. Her hubby of course knows everything.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

A woman from my hometown strips in a club south of here. She’s upfront about it. When people ask why she tells them how much she makes. They shut up fast. I say good for her.

drhat77's avatar

I wouldn’t – they might ask for a family discount.

trailsillustrated's avatar

As an ex high profile call girl, my family and friends reveled in the money I made, the places I went, the ‘celebs’ I saw. They also had no problems asking me for gifts and loans. When things went bad for me many years later, they were the first to ‘see it coming’. lol

livelaughlove21's avatar

I had a cousin that worked at one of those XXX call centers for awhile. She had no problem telling anyone what she did for a living. She even gave my step-father a sample (nothing sexual; she just showed him how she talked to customers) and made him red as a tomato over the phone. She was shameless and amazing. :)

I say “was” because she passed away a couple of years ago, in case anyone wonders.

Coloma's avatar

Haha….I wouldn’t consider it a career to be proud of no.
“Hey grandma, guess what? I am starring in a new porn flick next week!” lol

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Coloma I’d be pretty proud of bringing home anywhere from $400–1400 per scene and get to be naked the whole time.

And what’s even better is that females make more (for a change!). Men have to break into gay porn to make good money. Gay for pay, boys?

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SadieMartinPaul's avatar

I’ve told Paul all about my pole-dancing career, as well as my tenure as a crack-whore.

whitenoise's avatar

I would sincerely hope they have enough job pride to be willing/wanting to tell their family, although I may expect it may not always be the wisest thing to do. That is… some people may not react very favorably.

I feel it is a lot better than starving or stealing or doing nothing. It’s work, that’s all.

antimatter's avatar

I befriended a sex worker (NO THERE WERE NO BENEFITS) and her family knows what she does. Her father is still upset about it.

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