What to do with crusts cut off peanut butter sandwiches.
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August 29th, 2013
There is often some peanut butter and jelly attached to the crust. I use a plastic cutter that also seals the edges. I would like suggestions what to do with the crust.
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21 Answers
Leave them out for birds, if you don’t want to eat them yourself.
Personally, I’ve never understood the distaste for crusts of bread. I’ve generally preferred the heels of the loaf, and I’ve never cut outer crusts off.
Oh—and how about using them to make croutons?
I give them to our dogs. They know when I’m making my daughter’s sandwich in the morning and they wait patiently until I’m done. Then I toss them the small pieces.
I give crust I don’t want to my dogs.
I vote for bird food. @YARNLADY you have to have tons of Scrub Jays down in the valley, put them in a tree or on the fence in your yard and watch the action. Birds, squirrels.
Alas, bird food won’t work, we have too many feral cats in our neighborhood. Plus, my dog is not allowed to have people food any more, vet’s orders.
Personally, I love to eat them. Like @CWOTUS and @Pachyderm_In_The_Room I always eat the heels of the bread.
Here’s one idea, I crumble them up in my morning scrambled eggs and sausage.
Do you have cats that climb the outer walls of the house? (I’m assuming a single-story house such as my own and many others; if you live in a large apartment building then the following advice wouldn’t work very well, obviously.)
You can toss those bread crusts onto the roof of the house, garage or shed, and cats aren’t likely to beat the birds to them, or bother the birds too much.
@CWOTUS Thank you for that idea. I’m sorry to say, I can’t use it because we also have skunks that eat the cat food left out by well meaning neighbors. I don’t want to encourage any of the wild life we have here.
My dog was recently discovered playing with a dead squirrel carcass and it was very unpleasant for me to have to take it from him and throw it away.
Here’s a recipe for bread crumb pudding. I bet that makes the crust palatable to little ones who want crustless PB&J sandwiches—ugh!
@ETpro Oh, thank you. That looks good. I love the fully illustrated recipe.
@YARNLADY Glad to be of help. Send over the leftovers. :-)
The crust is the best part of the bread. It is like the slightly burnt rice on the bottom of a rice cooker or pizza pie crust. Never throw it away.
A very ‘First World’ problem.
Take them to the shore and drop them into the ocean. The crust-aceans love to eat them.
A little butter and garlic salt and you have “Italian Crusties” to dip in some spaghetti sauce. Put them on a pan at 300 for about 5 minutes or until golden. It’s a little redneck but it goes over well in my house. I’d leave the jelly bits on, adds character.
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