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elbanditoroso's avatar

How many of the sayings, adages, and proverbs attributed to Confucius are things that he actually said?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33648points) August 30th, 2013

And how many are made up by people in order to lie or prove a point?

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6 Answers

ETpro's avatar

I believe that Confucius said, “This, no man knows.”

thorninmud's avatar

Possibly none. There is no scholarly consensus on his authorship of any of the works traditionally attributed to him, much less of all of the neo-confucian coinages.

rojo's avatar

I believe that 48% of the works attributed to him, like 86% of all statistics, are literally made up on the spot to prove a point.

And, I would like to point out that this is a self-evident truth.

ragingloli's avatar

Confucius says: If you run in front of car, you get tired. If you run behind car, you get exhausted.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I do not doubt that the same question could be legitimately asked about the Apostles and Jesus. The issue is ultimately what people choose to believe.

Seek's avatar

I just recently read a book on Confucius. apparently, like the Bible, the texts attributed to him were written several hundred years after his death.

It is likely he never said any of it.

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