Social Question

Who & What motivates you, and how?
What books motivate you, what movies motivate you, what stories motivate you, what concepts motivate you, what people motivate you?
Back in the day, I was highly motivated. High achiever, honor student, college early, medical school early, highly awarded in the military. At some point it all changed… I became bitter and lazy depending on the day.
I dropped out of school, didn’t make proper use of my time in the military with regard to self improvement beyond the military itself, I didn’t go back to school, I got behind on bills and gained a bunch of weight. I have gone back and forth between being motivated & depressed & have lacked the focus that would keep me on track in regard to that motivation and achieving my goals. I’m looking for motivation & consistent focus.
Seeking things that will keep me focused and on track as it relates to my own self improvement. Health & fitness routines – not making excuses about having to work toward my goals after my demotivating, paycheck to paycheck job that is below my skills – participation in activities, groups etc. outside work/home that will assist me in networking and job seeking. Abiding by, and sticking to a logical budget that will allow me to eventually catch up on my bills without feeling shitty because I have nothing for myself after paying for everything.
How do I snap myself out of the rut I’ve been in the last 10+ years that has brought me to a pretty crappy last 2 years? I’m 38 years old and I don’t want to hit 40 feeling like/knowing that I will be dreaming about the pursuit of happiness as opposed to actually pursuing it in a focused, consistent and successful manner. What keeps you focused, motivated & determined to keep bettering your life?