Why aren't you using your picture?
Asked by
September 3rd, 2013
Why do so many of you NOT use your real picture? I want to see your faces!
Is it just to protect your anonymity or are there other reasons?
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129 Answers
1. I am doing a public service by protecting people’s eyes from my ugly mug.
2. I don’t really hold back much here. I’m too honest about my life here, so I can’t risk the loss of anonymity.
3. Seriously, nobody should have to see this face. I would have to block the image in my browser just to continue to use this site.
I’ve had my mug exposed here before, truth is I have hardly any pics of myself & besides, you Fluther babes would be dazzled by my gorgeousness, leave you to concentrate on your posts :)
I don’t want to look at my own face.
Also, the red background of this image is easy for me to find in a thread if I need to edit my response.
Hmmm…interesting, but I don’t like it.
Just so ya’ll know, I don’t judge by appearances. I’m one of those chicks who went for the smart/ nerdy unattractive guy, or the goofy-looking class clown.
@tom_g I’m honest, too, and a few jellies are on my fb (everyone’s welcome of course!). I guess I just don’t care, I am who I am, no apologies.
I don’t want users here to see my face. I prefer the veiled anonymity that Wembley permits me.
Three can keep a secret if two are dead. The one who told me a secret will know what I look like and be able to rub me out to make sure the secret stays a secret.
I am doing undercover work for the CIA.
My vestige would break the server.
My vestige has broken cameras so no one trust me with their’s
Too many Flutheronians would try to sue me for their blindness.
Can I go on? I have 50 dozen more excuses reason I haven’t.
If you want to see people’s faces, I know that there’s a Photobucket group somewhere (a few of them from different Fluther eras, too).
@KNOWITALL Usually I’m the photo-taker and I’m not a fan of selfies, so even on my FB, though I do have a photo of me for my profile pic, it’s a few years old.
@dxs Yeah, I didn’t know hardly anyone, boring.
Only my immediate family knows I’m a visitor here. I’d like to keep it that way. I like my privacy.
I am in the Photobucket group. I’m not afraid to show my pic, I just don’t want to make it easy for people I know irl to find me here by using it as an avatar.
Chicks would be all “damn, I gotta get down to Mexico and have bob_ hold me softly in his manly, manly arms”, and I don’t have that kind of time.
Everyone here knows what my real name is, so it’s not a privacy issue for me. It’s just that I feel like other things express my personality better than a photo of me would. If you really want to see my face, here ya’ go.
Fear my whip!
OH YEAH wait til I’m home & can’t see them lol
I like showing my astrophotos. They’re prettier than my face.
The missus and I use avatars that always have some sort of connection.
also on the photobucket group.
My picture of Butters looks more like me than I do.
You’ve seen mine! But my goose is cuter methinks. haha
I put it up now and then for a short period of time. Most people don’t care to, doesn’t bother me, I like seeing faces too!
I keep reading @Rarebear‘s post as “apostrophes”. Ha.
I have left enough clues on this site by the way that if someone really wanted to see what I look like they can.
The dude in my avatar is far better looking than the real me.
I refuse to use my picture, because I will not yield to this odd pressure that I’m feeling to conform. ;-)
@Brian You’d be a minority though so that’s NOT conforming lol
I don’t want to use my real photo, so I use one of a beloved, passed-on dog. Now I don’t have to see myself, and I can see my little Sheila instead.
I don’t want people to know what I look like. My Facebook friend(s) forced me to put up a pic of myself. I hate it.
I prefer my anonymity. And my scary cookie!
@tinyfaery: Milo here: I cannot imagine anyone forcing you to do anything.
<——This beautiful girl is far prettier. However, I am on the photobucket also.
A certain Canadian can be very persuasive.
Did she beat you about the head with her cats?
@tinyfaery Do you think you’re ugly too? I hate that so many are saying that. :(
When I visited her last she sicced her dog on me. how do I spell that?
No. I’m actually quite beautiful.
I had to look that up ; it seems to be sicked
But it’s sic em. I used Merriam Webster. Whatever. You get it.
I knew someone would bring up the visage/vestige thing before I got a chance to.
@tinyfaery: Apparently it is “sic em” but “sicked” in the past tense. And I did get it.
@FutureMemory: You had an hour’s lead time.
There are zero pictures of me (as far as I know, and I’ve searched quite a bit) online. I intend to keep it that way. super heroes with their secret identity and what not :P
^^ Vladimira sent me several pix of you.
Okay…here’s my face, again.
Take a good look because it will evaporate within 24 hours, or I will turn into a pumpkin.
Bawk, bawk, bawk….chickens! lol
I used to use my photos on here before you joined, and it was common for me to use them on other sites as well. I may post a photo in the future, but I’m a bit weary these days of doing such a thing since I’ve been responding to more personal questions, something that I didn’t do too much of before. I’m not using the site for dating or meeting people either, so I’m not in a hurry.
my face does not fit the theme of the website, so I chose oragami jellyfish instead. Also that little square is far too small for helpful detail.
I look fine. But I prefer my anonymity.
Goose is back, snooze you lose, my face. lol
Just being a member of this site could get me into trouble in the country I live in… Leave alone writing anything negative about the local regime or religion.
I am always very honest here and like to comtinue to do so. I feel I need the anonimity.
BTW My avatar is a picture of one of my children’s stuffies. When he was very young he said… “Dad… this is you.” and named it Daddy Doggy. In a sense, therefore, the pic is me.
For me, it’s to try to preserve anonymity. I rarely recommend Fluther to my friends, for fear they’d figure out who I am and then have access to all of my innermost opinions, talk about my personal life that I may not necessarily want them to know, talk about work, friends, family that I don’t really want to share with the world.
I do when the correct picture is shown. It’s from a distance though. I’m too ugly for a close up. I will have a luck later to see of there are any decent ones. The photos here though never change to what you want. I recently changed it to my s/o and I and deleted the others but they’re still here.
My avatar was personally designed for me by an old friend who now writes and illustrates children’s books: http://www.creaturesandcharacters.com/ The custom avatar was a perk for supporting a Kickstarter campaign a couple years back.
The avatars on Fluther are so tiny I can’t tell what most of them are and I prefer the ease-of-recognition with simple, clean, unique designs. I can’t tell some of you apart, and I get confused when people change their avatars. I use this avatar all over the web, so people can be fairly sure it’s me when they see it (hopefully if someone sees it being used by someone other than me, they’d let me know).
In my case, perhaps because, as the Nigerian writer and 1986 Nobel Literature Laureate Wole Soyinka once said, “Looking at faces of people, one gets the feeling there’s a lot of work to be done.”
@hearkat: Mine, too. Large and graphic and easy to recognize in it’s tiny, Fluther form.
I don’t because hardly anybody else does.
Great question @KNOWITALL
I’ve always wondered this myself.
@augustlan Not to go off topic, but what hair products do you use?
It’s not a secret…
I live in the Middle East in an environment that is very unfriendly towards other religions and – God forbid – people without religion.
I never mention the country’s name on this site though, since it also has one of the biggest secret services and filters / monitors the web very intensily.
Privacy issues. Jellies whom I’m friends with on FB know what I look like.
@tinyfaery Rudy attacked, toothless and all? Gummed ya! ;-)
@whitenoise Oh wow, okay. I’d like to hear more about that sometime though, like how that affects your daily life or inner life. :)
I deleted all my avatars when I left in a fit of disgust (that lasted about five minutes) and haven’t gotten around to making anew one yet.
Whatever. Facebook is linked in my profile. I’d rather have Jellies on Facebook than family on Fluther.
I am a member of the witless protection program.
@Seek_Kolinahr Yep, just seeing your happy face makes me smile! You look about 16 in most of them..lol
For the record, my FB profile pic is not my real photo either. I feel like if people want to see me, they can friend me, if not, they can look at a cartoon. I don’t want people who are not my friends trolling “Let’s see what she looks like now” kind of thing.
Rudy Badoody hated me. He barked at me every time I tried to be nice. He was a cute but scary little bear.
Everyone I’ve seen an actual photo of is attractive. Jellies are some good lookin’ people!
@Katniss I use, um, Suave shampoo & conditioner, and let my hair air dry. I am a lazy low maintenance girl! Every now and again, I use Super Skinny Serum and blow dry my hair – which probably accounts for the smoothness of my hair in those pics. If and when I get around to coloring it, I use Nice ‘N Easy.
@augustlan Really?? Now I’m really jealous! I use 500 different products and a straightening iron and my hair still looks like crap! lol
@livelaughlove21 You are really sweet. I didn’t picture you like that. Cute couple as well,
Here ya go! The “real” me! I think I look pretty good with a moustache! lol
I just deleted my pictures in my account and uploaded one of me. It said it had changed and then reverted back to the old one, which I has deleted!
Damn, @Headhurts rejected by a machine. I am so sorry and if it happened to you there is no way I am even going to try.
@rojo I’ve been trying dor 2 days, Fluther just doesn’t like my face.
@Headhurts Why thank you. :) Most of my friends say they thought I’d be a bitch the first time they saw me, so that’s nice of you to say.
@livelaughlove21 You look like the type of girl that is too sweet to say anything back to someone, and really shy. No way do you look like a bitch.
@Headhurts Well most of the people know that this girl ain’t afraid to say anything at all. :)
I am pretty shy in real life, though.
First world problem-
Finally made new ginger Vulcan avatar…
…mobile won’t let me upload it.
I’ve tried three different browsers and several formats. It keeps telling me my .jpg isn’t jpeggy enough.
Yep, still can’t change mine for fear of the masked voodoo dude making a comeback, Danger Mouse has to stay, unless I change it from a mates PC…again.
@AshLeigh My face isn’t shy.
My version of Chrome doesn’t like it. It keeps telling me I am in danger and takes be back to safety. What does the browser know that I don’t? What are you not wearing that makes my browser think its dangerous? ;-P
@livelaughlove21 BAZOWEE! Wait, could be photoshopped….no…don’t think so. BAZOWEE!—Hold on a moment, could be lifted from another phone or the Internet. Nah….she wouldn’t do that. BAZOWEE! It is a real person just not her. Ummm….don’t think she would try that…—BAZOWEE! That dude better realize what he has. If he messes that union up cheating I will take his arm off and beat him with it, and make him reap the whirlwind…at least for 40 seconds, then he being much younger would mop me up,…but I will get my two licks in
I think hypo might find LLL to be aesthetically pleasing.
@AshLeigh You’re gorgeous! Love that red hair.
Too much trouble to try to figure out how to reduce the size of the photos I have. Everything I have is over 2 mb evidently.
Best looking woman in all my time here, lucillelucillelucille…that gal was hawt!
I miss her, I really do.
@ucme Met her in person. Just a beautiful as her photos. And tall. :)
I bet, funny lady too, perfect package.
She is. We were at a benefit for breast cancer. Firemen were dressed up in bras (artists created the bras for the fundraiser). The firemen had to walk down a runway modeling the bras. One fireman, and older guy, sashayed down the runway. Lucille (yelling into my ear): What’s taking him so long???
I’d say witsec but that would be defeating the purpose of witsec….
For those of you having trouble uploading your avatars, definitely try it on a computer rather than a phone or tablet. I don’t know why, but we’re having trouble with mobile devices. :(
People that know me in real life, already know what I look like. For the rest of the e-verse, anonymity is a virtue.
Neeeew avatar!
Might need a re-do, but better than all the n00bies thinking I’m Leonard Nimoy. Sort of.
^^ Be still my beating heart ;-}
Thanks, @Katniss! Slight color enhancement on the eyes (they’re more grey) and a bit of airbrushing to hide the fact that I’m horribly sunburned… other than that it’s me.
<—————Against my better judgement…...... New avatar for me too.
Pretty girls! See, I told you jellies are good looking. :)
Okay…I vote for baby pictures now. haha
Here’s mini-me, still have that WTF look a lot of the time.
Dig the conehead headband moment, thanks mom. lol
@Seek_Kolinahr Love your makeup and ears, but I was more than OK with you looking like Leonard Nimoy, hubba hubba : P
P.S. What on earth is HC going to do with this new picture???
I like to protect my anonymity on here but I am happy to add jellies on Facebook if they want to see the real me. I’d just rather my family and other friends wouldn’t automatically know it is me if they happened to stumble across one of my posts on Fluther. Basically, I am happy to invite jellies into my real life but not my real life into Fluther if that makes sense.
@Leanne1986 “I’d just rather my family and other friends wouldn’t automatically know it is me if they happened to stumble across one of my posts on Fluther.” Amen.
Same as Leanne. Here I am on FB.
@Katniss <—————Against my better judgement…...... New avatar for me too.
Judgment accepted as good judgment. (Unlike some here I will not make an issue of the misspelling) :-)
P.S. What on earth is HC going to do with this new picture???
@Kardamom I’ll never tell, I’ll never tell. By the time I do tell it will have changed anyhow Bahahaha Bahahaha!
@Hypocrisy_Central Thank you for pointing that out. lol
I realized AFTER my opportunity to edit was over that I had misspelled it.
I was hoping that nobody would notice!!!! :0)
@livelaughlove21 Thank you for that link. I guess I was just getting in touch with my inner Brit! lol
No fair….@Mama_Cakes link says that page is not available. Pfft….what am I missing here?
@Coloma It’s a Facebook profile. I’m guessing that you’re not on FB? :)
@Mama_Cakes Cute! You look like Jennifer Aniston to me! :-)
Third birthday
Two-story walk-in doll house with window boxes built for me by my pat. grandfather’s carpenter.
@Coloma Look a lot like my Mama when she was younger. Thanks. :)
Older jellies in the house, do you remember this?
Click on through.
^I just clicked through the pics and I’m missing a lot of old jellies.
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