Do you long for the days before Internet?
Asked by
LornaLove (
September 3rd, 2013
Summer days having picnics, chatting to friends over coffee, getting to know people over a period of time in different settings, physically walking to your friend’s home, reading books, playing board games, reading in bed, watching TV, daydreaming, hobbies, card games, family gatherings, going for country walks, scrap-booking, wondering what far away places were like? Meeting people from other countries and thinking wow!
Sure we all do these, but not to the same extent surely? What do you miss?
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20 Answers
I would not want to go back to pre-internet days. No way. I think I read plenty (with Kindle). Still play games. Spend time with friends. I just think the internet has allowed for more ease in running everyday life. Now cell phones…naaa…I’d keep those too.
Ahh, jumpers for goalposts, spin the bottle party games, knocking on strangers doors & running away…wait a minute, I did all that yesterday.
All good fun, but me likes the interwebz.
Possibly. What I hate more are those smart phones people have nowadays. It’s their life. Nobody talks to each other anymore, they just waste their life away focused on those little handheld devices.
@Sueanne_Tremendous Where have you been? Welcome back?
I don’t really remember life before the Internet. My family has always had a computer; even though we had a slow-as-heck dial-up connection, we still had access to websites. While I use the Internet far more now than I did in my childhood, I don’t really long for the days when I did not have the world at my fingertips.
I have become acquainted with people from all kinds of different backgrounds and life experiences, accumulated so much research from online databases, and plenty of other wholesome experiences that I would not have been exposed to without the Internet.
It is important for my health and productivity to have other outlets and hobbies, though. I would love to incorporate more recreational activities (particularly hiking, swimming, and photography) into my routine, but might have to hold off on those until I move due to transportation issues.
No. When books were first made available to more or less everyone, people predicted the downfall of society. And apart from scrap booking, I do every single thing on your list.
I agree with @dxs. The internet is nice to have, but it causes too many distractions when you have instant access to it right in your pocket. Who am I kidding? The smartphone is almost always in the hands of their users, not even making it into the pocket.
I do long for the pre-internet days at times.
My family is all connected to the net, but we still know how to connect with each other. Our favorite gathering place is the kitchen or dining room table, out of sight of the computer or television. Guests sometimes are amazed to get real conversation, but once they start they join in gladly.
Sometimes I miss poker & spades & domino’s but you make time for thing’s you love. Internet is a tool not life.
Why does this question remind me of this?
“Many were increasingly of the opinion that they’d all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans.”
Edited By Me
spoiler alert: i was wrong
<——- Longs for the days after the internet.
In a way I miss the days before the internet, but I wouln’t want to go back to them. The past is the past for a reason.
I’m with @gm_pansa1
I have never carried a cell phone, people hooked on their phones drives me nuts, but I do love my computer. Of course, I have lived the best of both worlds, on rural oriperties here in the Sierras, with internet but no cell reception. lol
I spend plenty of time out in nature, interacting with my animals, friends, family, in my garden, but yep….love the internet too!
I tend to discipline myself on how often I use my computer, and it’s rare that I even use the Internet on my smartphone, even while out. I would never want to go back to pre-internet days, and I’m thankful that I was able to obtain an array of valuable information that I never could before.
I do have one complaint though, smartphones hindering face to face conversation. It does go through me when I want to talk to someone but can’t, because their faces are dug into their smartphones! I still prefer face to face conversation too.
No way. My husband would never be making the kind of money he does.
Having to stand in long lines for popular movie premiers, hoping it’s not sold out by the time you make it to the front. Having to spend hours at a library surrounded by books for a school project. Having to rely on people or huge maps to get directions. Walking outside in your robe to get the soggy newspaper every morning. Going to Blockbuster and paying almost $4 to have a movie for a couple of days, and then having to return it right away (or else).
No, thanks.
No. I had a problem with my ISP no web for 2 days deaf, dumb and blind with withdrawal shakes (still would not go back to research by hand)
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