What are some things you don't understand about the other gender?
I don’t understand my gender more actually! I don’t get how our voice tones go higher just all the time when we’re talking to someone about random things…
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31 Answers
Why logic is held is such high esteem by so many of them.
I was raised to be a girl/woman. I don’t want a gender. So there is no opposite gender, at least for me. There is nothing I don’t understand about any gender-related matter but it is an endlessly fascinating topic in my life and in my academic career.
I don’t understand why some people feel the need to have gender. That’s the mystery to me.
@muppetish Well, if it’s not taught to you as something you can choose to have (and really you can’t choose not to have it, not really, not yet), you wouldn’t know that you need to have it, you’d just have it.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir That’s true, but even in my EWS courses when students were exposed to divergent ways of conceiving gender, they met it with heavy resistance and clung to what was familiar. Would it have a different impact if these discussions were taught in schools far sooner than the college level?
@muppetish I think it might have a deeper/different impact if parents discussed gender and its norms critically with their children but without a broader societal degendering of sorts, people would still have to align themselves somehow, to be intelligible in this society. They don’t just cling to it because it’s familiar and is felt as if it’s at their core, they cling to it because they have no alternative reality where they can imagine it not mattering. The irony, of course, is also existing amidst conversations/political demagoguery that it no longer matters.
I’m not sure how men who aren’t masculine feel when in a macho society.
I’m not sure how they walk around all the time with their floppy parts flopping around, doesn’t it seem like the skin would stretch and be painful? I mean ladies wear support.
The man code here is like, we fight, then I see you a year later and everything’s okay. How do they let go so easily?
@KNOWITALL Yeah – I wonder how the bits feel in boxers?
There is no such thing as the other gender. It’s sex not gender. Sex does not equal gender. The words are not interchangeable. Gah!
Those testosterone poisoned people need to be neutered. What a better world we would live in.
@tinyfaery An empty world ~ (since we all have testostorone)
But we are not all poisoned by it.
@tinyfaery Wait, are you being serious? I am not sure here, ‘cause I thought you were just playing.
A little bit funny a little bit true.
@tinyfaery I love men, way more than most women. I think the testosteron must be a mood stabilizer – lol
Bitchy women who rejoice in their bitchiness really drive me batty. Hippy chicks are cool though, but they try to not be bitchy ya know?!
What I will never understand about women is why they will tell you all their problems but refuse to hear solutions.
@KNOWITALL testosterone is definitely a mood stabiliser. It worked amazingly on my moods, within a month of starting therapy.
@downtide In my opinion women bond over complaining, finding the solution is not the goal.
Let’s put it in the water here at my office then! After this, I swear I’m finding an all-male company to work in. :)
I have trouble understanding other people in general. As a person who envied boys when I was a child, yet accepted the fact that I am a woman, I don’t understand people who don’t accept the body they were born with. It’s all a mystery to me.
@downtide When we are wanting advice, we ask for advice. But (a lot of) women need to talk out problems to process them first. I know when I am all emotional, the logical part of my brain (which is what I need working to consider solutions) shuts down
Why most men are so sexually obsessed until the day they die. haha
I am at that age where I am getting really sick of old dudes that still have the sexual mentality of a 19 year old. Give the old bone a rest ya old horndogs! lol
How does the tampon know where to stop?
@YARNLADY ” I don’t understand people who don’t accept the body they were born with.” only people who’ve experienced it can really understand it, I think. I certainly couldn’t explain it, but I sure know how it feels.
@downtide I have a niece and a grandson who are each attracted to, and now married to, the same sex. They were very close growing up, probably because they understood each other very well.
I’m confused as to why people here deny gender’s existence. How can you deny that there are masculine and feminine genders in society? Sure it’s technically subjective, but it’s still prevalent in society. I’m okay with it, but I totally agree that it’s an optional thing. Nobody has to follow it and that’s perfectly fine.
@dxs Standing ovation! Well said!
@dxs Um…. where did anyone say in this thread that gender does not exist?
@dxs Nope, I still don’t see it, sorry.
I don’t understand my fellow males most of the time either. They seem to complain a great deal about many issues concerning males, but then turn around and support the same customs and traditions which are causing their distress. This is one of the reasons why I find it difficult to support most mens’ right advocates, despite agreeing with them on many issues.
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