General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Can one clone Jesus from the Shroud of Turin?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) September 4th, 2013

All we need is a DNA sample from the center of the Shroud. Is it possible?

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19 Answers

ucme's avatar

Err, it was proved to be a hoax/fake many years ago, so that’ll be a no then.

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tom_g's avatar

Why not just use the eucharist cracker or wine?

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zenvelo's avatar

No one as found any DNA on it.

1TubeGuru's avatar

No , it would be the equivalent of cloning the Easter bunny from a lucky rabbit’s foot.

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Neodarwinian's avatar


You really should know why this is not feasible!

deni's avatar

There is no DNA on that old blanket because it’s a hoax

Seek's avatar


I read somewhere that it’s plausible that Leonardo da Vinci made the shroud from a self portrait bust. Speculation of course, but wouldn’t it be interesting if it were true?

Rarebear's avatar

Even assuming it wasn’t a hoax and they could get an intact set of chromosomes the answer would still be no.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Well even if it was possible the result would just have the same DNA and would look the same. Identical twins have the same DNA but they can act…and behave very differently. And that blanket is a sham.

janbb's avatar

Boy – some mod went to town on this fairly silly question.

Jeruba's avatar

I agree, @janbb—looks like it ought to have been in Social.

Shinimegami's avatar

Jesus never exist. Shroud of Turin is fake swindler use at faith healing con games. Are many fake holy relics then. Enough pieces of “True Cross” exist could make Titanic ship copy of wood. Pope’s investigators find artist confess he paint it, Geoffroy de Charnay order it. C14 tests at 3 different laboratories at 3 nations show it made 14th Century. Bible not say Jesus have one shroud over whole body, have two, one have spices. Leonardo da Vinci live after it made.

Seek's avatar

He’s well within the margin of error on the carbon dating.

mattbrowne's avatar

You’d need frozen DNA. Jesus didn’t live and die like Oetzi, the iceman.

BiZhen's avatar

The Shroud of Turin is known to be a hoax created in the 14th Century to use in a faith healing swindle. The Pope of the time knew it, and so does the modern Bishop of Turin. Jesus Christ never existed, so there is no DNA of his.

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