Do you find that you're accepting of other people's views/opinions/beliefs?
Or do you have a hard time accepting arguments that run counter to your personal beliefs ?
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37 Answers
Yes, if I agree with others’ views, opinions and beliefs, or if I’m comfortable with agreeing to disagree.
It all depends on the belief.
I tend to be less accommodating when people try to convince me about religion and the truth of the bible and that the world is 6000 years old. In fact, I am not even remotely tolerant of people with fundamentalist beliefs.
I am much more open to different beliefs on things like politics, economics, government policies, and so on. Although we may disagree, at least it is on rational issues with defensible differences of opinion.
Some of my best friends and my family believe things totally different than I do. Why would I want to lose all the great and positive things they bring to the world over some stupid belief I have? How the heck do I know I’m right? It’s a belief.
Sometimes I am accepting of other peoples beliefs and opinions other times not so much. for me at least it would depend on the circumstances.
I’m constantly challenging my own views/opinions/beliefs. None of that is a settled matter, as far as I’m concerned. I mistrust any impulse I may have to think I know anything for sure. That makes me pretty skeptical of anyone else who presents their views as settled fact. “Really?”, I think. “Really??”.
That said, I’m very interested in hearing those views/opinions/beliefs. They give me an indication of what will drive your actions, and those actions will have consequences in our world. Just don’t expect me to sign on.
I try very hard and I like to get different viewpoints. I am set in my ways and do have to work on bottling up the sarcastic remarks however.
It is only when people push their beliefs on me that I push back. And I can push back HARD. Otherwise, I don’t care much what other people believe, politically or otherwise. And as I get older, I care even less.
Usually yes, unless they are so insanely delusional, in which case I will, often, internally label them imbeciles. lol
I admit, I am a bit intellectually arrogant and while I try to practice tolerance and examine my own reactions I just can’t hang with some peoples archaic and ignorant beliefs.
I have a friend who is convinced that every time she sees a rainbow it is a message from her dead father.
Ooookay….. lol
It depends.
I am willing to listen to other people’s beliefs and opinions to a point. But I won’t tolerate certain unacceptable views, such as racist beliefs.
I’m pretty accepting of people, which depends on their actions and not their beliefs. I see no reason to be accepting of their beliefs.
If I have a hard time accepting others beliefs I try not to be disrespectful when discussing it with them or I don’t discuss it at all. As far as religious or political beliefs are concerned, I can keep a fairly open mind so I would consider myself accepting in that sense but there are some subjects that I have a very strong opinion of and would avoid getting into a discussion about it with someone who felt the opposite to me because I know that I would really struggle to debate in a calm manner!
Yes, unless their belief pisses me off. ;)
I’m very accepting of others beliefs, which is why I find it hard to hear people being so rude and nasty about my own. It’s very strange to me to be judged so harshly for choosing to believe in God and Christianity.
I just told a jelly the other day that you can worship trees or dogs or whatever and it won’t bother me in the slightest.
@KNOWITALL – I have no issue with people believing in Christianity or God or whatever. Go for it. I have no issues with your choice to believe what you want.
But two points:
– many religions make it a tenet of faith that people are supposed to proselytize, witness, and bring in new customers. TO me, that goes beyond a personal belief in god, and moves into the area of direct marketing. That’s offensive to me (I already have my own belief system, thank you) . Believe whatever you want, but please don’t try and sell it to me.
- the other point is drawing impressions and conclusions.
If you were to tell me that the earth was created 6600 years ago, in the face of overwhelming geological evidence to the contrary, I am going to draw all sorts of conclusions about you and your intellectual capacity. A belief in creationism means that there is (often) disdain for geology, medicine, biology, and any of the hard sciences that are themselves base on experimentation and provable facts.
So your beliefs, which are certainly your entitlement, tell a person a lot about your outlook on life and your capability for rational thought.
let’s say that I run an independently funded geology lab. Who am I going to hire? Someone that acknowledges that the earth is billions of years old based on hard scientific evidence, or someone who has the belief that man and dinosaurs were all walking around together 6500 years ago?
@elbanditoroso Like others here, you assume Christians can’t acknowledge factual science while still choosing to believe in God. It’s simply not true, there are shades of grey in religious identity and beliefs.
1) We are supposed to witness to people who want to hear. You can’t force someone to accept Jesus as their personal Savior. I don’t even attend church, but I love God and try to live my life accordingly, but you’d never know by working with me, I don’t drip crosses.
2) I’m Catholic and converted at 17 against my family’s will. Do I worship Mary like they think I do? No. Do I worship the Pope like they think I do? Nope.
Asking questions and communicating are the only ways to bridge all the misunderstandings that I feel some people judge Christians on. Kind of like people thinking all Muslims are on jihad or extremists.
By the way, I appreciate your respectful explanation.
@Adirondackwannabe God only knows….it’s wearing me out! :) Is this still America? So anti-religion and anti-military, it’s like the oppposite of how I was raised completely. Geesh.
@Adirondackwannabe Just wait until next political cycle, it’ll go back to bashing me because I’m a liberal Republican instead of just my religion…lol
I will not discuss religion in this thread! I promise.
It seems that the idea that we should accept everyone’s views, opinions, and beliefs is pervasive. This is a very dangerous idea, and fortunately nobody really does it. As @glacial stated, accepting and respecting people is quite different from respecting views, opinions, and beliefs. We should be less tolerant of ideas that are simply false – especially when they may lead to actions that are dangerous.
I believe that women are just less intelligent than men.
There might be one or two people who can “accept” the fact that I hold that belief. Most people are painfully aware that a) the belief is incorrect, and b) holding that belief has real-world effects. (Note: I don’t really believe this.)
@tom_g There will always be people that believe differently than we do though. I live around racists, people who bilk the governement, people who don’t believe in voting, people who think a dog on a chain is not abusive, people who think nothing of having another child so they get more food stamps and higher tax returns, etc… We don’t have to agree with them or change their minds, we just accept our differences, or at least I do. It keeps life interesting.
@KNOWITALL: “We don’t have to agree with them or change their minds, we just accept our differences, or at least I do.”
Obviously, I disagree. Remember, this whole investigation of ideas, beliefs, opinions, etc. applies to me as well. I have been disabused of many incorrect beliefs, and had my opinions change because someone took the time to point out the flaws in my thinking and/or incorrect information. I am not going to be the same person in 5 years because I will learn and experience so much. If my beliefs are exactly the same, and nobody has challenged me, I will feel cheated. I know nothing, and run my mouth all the time. If people are just going to accept that I think differently and let me rot in a stew of garbage beliefs, then that angers me. It’s disrespectful to me and the society I value.
@tom_g Ah, a one man mission to combat all the ignorance in the world?!
Well bless your heart, I wish you well.
Seriously, I do my part but a person must be receptive and it must be done tactfully, otherwise you can do more harm than good in my area.
What @Espiritus_Corvus said. Fine, have your own beliefs. If they clash way too much with mine, then I’ll stay away from you. Simple as that. But don’t harm society because of them. Society has every right to its diversity.
As long as others don’t expect me to act on their version or belief, I am usually OK with it.
The exceptions are the child love belief of pedophiles, or the male rules over woman belief.
@YARNLADY haha, you don’t believe males are superior? How does that affect your relationships?
Accepting? No. Respecting? Yes. Just don’t push me.
@KNOWITALL I’ve never had any trouble finding male companionship, and my current husband and I have been married 38 years as of Labor Day. We are equal partners.
I’m actually right about most things and others can be wrong if they so choose.
@YARNLADY Wow, that is cool. I really have only seen a few of those. Someday I’d like to hear more on that if you will!
Depends on the belief expressed. I’ve gotten awfully impatient with the rash of conspiracy theories that pop up as soon as anything big happens. If someone want’s me to embrace Rush on his most recent conspiracy theory, they are going to need to bring some credible evidence to prove it is true. Without real evidence, it’s just the sound of another loud, braying horn.
Oops, sorry about the link above. That was an earlier rant, and the one I’m referring to is where Rush claims “he now knows”: that Obama actually orchestrated al Qaeda in Syria gassing Syrians with nerve gas. This was all a false-flag attack. Obama was behind it, because he needed a pretext to kill Assad, which he isn’t actually proposing we do. I mean, if the President really just wanted to make sure al Qaeda defeated Assad, and al Qaeda had the sarin gas missiles, why not just give them the coordinates to finish the job themselves.
And then there is this and this.
No, I won’t respect ideas when they fail to meet even the most minimal standards of critical analysis. If we start respecting every idea as equal, then we had better hope and pray there is a God in Heaven, because we are seriously going to need His help to get by. This said by an atheist.
I nod my head in order to show I agree with their opinions and beliefs, but in the end I let myself go.
I accept other people’s views/opinions/beliefs to the extent that such ideas are justified by reason and evidence.
“I can accept your opinions and beliefs, I can also accept the fact that you might be an idiot.”
Technically I accept every single view and belief, as they are held by another person who is not me, therefore I have no power over them. Whether I share said beliefs, or agree with them or not doesn’t matter, as the beliefs exist, and there is naught that I can do of it.
They have them, I cannot deny that. In view of the question, I try to be open minded, but I really can’t. If your house doesn’t smell like blood and fire, I don’t even want to know who the fuck you are.
@Symbeline Hey, I want to smell that place and curl up with the pillows.
I don’t respect my mother’s Christian beliefs, but I still love her. I don’t beat around the bush confronting absolutism, for I find it to be a very dangerous mindset. Well, we don’t talk about religion anymore.
I’ve found an easy way to get rid of religionists walking around with pamphlets confronting me at ice cream shops and at my front door at times. Just get metaphysical on them, and start talking about logical fallacies, and they end to disappear very quickly.
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