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Nullo's avatar

Any suggestions for a good size/brand of fire extinguisher?

Asked by Nullo (22033points) September 6th, 2013

Ever keen to learn, my dad has bought a propane welding torch. (He bought an arc welder too, but has no plans to use it anytime soon – one of those things where it was on sale at Harbor Freight.)
He’s asked for a fire extinguisher for his birthday, and I’m looking around for a good one to get him. I know to get an ABC extinguisher, but that’s about it.

Also, I’d like to get one for my sister, who’s recently moved into a small townhouse with a roommate and but a single exit.

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3 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I have Amerex extinguishers outside my door and down the hallway. UL listed and made in the USA. I hope they’re good, haven’t had to find out yet.

LuckyGuy's avatar

You are a wise man, indeed. I buy Kidde Fire Extinguishers – with the gauge. I have never, ever, ever seen them lose pressure. Never! 10 years after expiration date they are still pressurized.
Every 10 years or so I buy new ones to put next to the wood burning stoves, my welder in the barn and in the garage. I also keep one in my truck and one in the car. I keep the old ones as backup.
Just for fun I tried one on a campfire . It was 20+ years past expiration and still worked great.

Disclaimer I am not employed by nor own stock in the Kidde company. I just buy their stuff. It is the best.

DWW25921's avatar

I just get mine at the flea market and poke around for new ones when they loose pressure.

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