Do certain types of parents give you a rage stroke?
Full disclosure: I’m not a parent. I’m also not talking about the typical quibbles like breastfeeding vs. bottle (None of my business. Do what you think is best.)
Last night I was riding the subway home. (I’m currently living in a not-so-great area of Brooklyn until I find a good lease.) A heavyset, African American couple gets on the train with four rambunctious young kids. I’m in an especially positive mood so I start thinking to myself how cute they are.
Well just within a minute of boarding the train all four of them start misbehaving horribly. I mean really bad. Worse yet, the parents encourage the behavior, egging them on even as people leered angrily at them.
The point where I just about lost my sh*t when both the mother and father start telling them how they can’t wait until they’re old enough to join the Crips gang so they can “F*ck the Bloods up”. The father starts encouraging the kids, ranging in age from about three to ten, to throw up gang signs and repeat the profanity he was using.
I had to move trains because I was so angry at that point, somewhat about their disturbance of peace but mostly for the horrible disservice they’re doing their kids by teaching them that criminality is a viable lifestyle and that life is a race to the bottom.
Obviously there’s not much bystanders can do in such a situation but I can’t help but be really angry about these type of people. Is what they’re doing illegal?
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17 Answers
Ignorance is not illegal, but they don’t know what a disservice they’re doing to their children. I’m not a parent either, but I see people slapping their two year old in a car seat from the front seat HARD, and people having their kids steal at stores, people using kids to get money from people like me by panhandling.
My niece told me when she was 8 yrs old that her mom (now in jail for the 3rd time) was taking vitamins with a needle. It’s craziness.
@KNOWITALL I know exactly what you mean. I know it sounds naive. (And trust me, I’m not.) But sometimes I still can’t believe the types of people out there who have kids. While some of the most responsible, caring, upstanding people I know don’t think they would be fit parents! (They must be perfectionists or something)
It sounds cold but I couldn’t help but think “You better not cry when you lose those kids, morons. Either to the bullet or to the system.”
There are some parents that make it seem like their child is the biggest problem in their life. They never smile at them or they just yell at them and scold them. It’s even worse if the child doesn’t belong to one of the parents. I’ve seen many examples at the place I work, and after seeing the people for extended amounts of time, it’s scary how their attitudes never change.
Ah, well. When you get to be this age you learn different ways of coping, I guess.
Personally, I wouldn’t have let them harsh my mellow. I’d radiate so much mellow that those kids would understand, better than if I had said it explicitly and in short words, what I think of their parents. In any case, seeing something like this and sharing a horrified opinion about it helps you to bond better with the other passengers, and that’s worth something.
Just when I think things couldn’t get any worse, I read something like this. Is there any hope for us?
I would have gotten as upset as you did.
I feel rage when I see parents who chatter away on their cell phones rather than converse with or even watch their kids. I see this on sidewalks, in grocery stores, parking lots and worst of all, in cars.
They got what they wanted, The whole bus to themselves.
I guess I went about raising my son all wrong. When he was a child I taught him to say please and thank you, to respect his elders, and to use his indoor voice when in public. I ended up with a polite, well spoken 19 year old.
I cannot believe the way some people raise their children. It makes me ill.
I get angry when I’m out somewhere and there are screaming, rude, rambunctious brats causing a scene and the parents do NOTHING to get the situation under control.
It’s a culture thing and it’s hard for those on the outside to understand. Yes, it’s a very defeatist mindset but it’s the reality in a lot of American homes. I have the same experience from time to time in a rural setting… Even where I live in West Virginia kids (mostly white) believe that being on welfare or becoming a criminal are really the only options. It’s the same mentality. I heard some tweens just yesterday at the Dollar Store talking about how much money they could make selling grandma’s oxy 10 pills. When people are at the point when they give up on themselves they don’t bother to even entertain a viable future.
I have never heard that term before, “Rage stroke.”
I just shake my head thinking to myself that their precious brats are going to be stupid like they are and someday I’ll be asked ,ordered, to pay for their incarceration. You know that is going to happen….you just know.
I don’t let it get to me too often, because there isn’t much I can do. In the grand picture I want to change society so all children grow up in healthy safe homes, but one set of parents telling their kids something I completely disagree with isn’t going to get me raging probably. The whole culture needs to be changed in the example the OP gave. I would love to be part of a shift where children are safer, and given more opportunities for productive lives.
The example in the main question is pretty extreme, but I know people who are so judgemental about parents they freak out for every little thing. One person in particular I am thinking of cries abuse at every little possible turn. She stresses herself out, because she is always ready to pounce on an action a parent takes with their children and criticize it.
Unbelievably hard to fathom, that. O-O
I am speechless!
Living as I have and raising my daughter as I did on a rural property in a serene and low crime area I just can’t fathom the depth of depravity out there. Amazing, sad, abusive, and the scariest part….these ignorant fucks are adding to the melting pot of human misery.
Give it another 10 years and these kids will be raping and murdering little old ladies.
Shocking and horrible!
I don’t rage, I cry. It’s unbelievably sad.
”Give it another 10 years and these kids will be raping and murdering little old ladies.”
where have you been the past 10 years?
^^^ What? I don’t follow?
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