General Question

YARNLADY's avatar

How can each of us have a say in government?

Asked by YARNLADY (46711points) September 6th, 2013

Let’s brainstorm what each person can do to make a difference.
Michael Moore is one example. See this article for more tips.

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12 Answers

Rarebear's avatar

We really can’t.

DWW25921's avatar

Let me start by saying that Michael Moore is an idiot. Spewing ultra liberal, ignorant filth certainly isn’t the way to bring about progress unless you want America to look like Detroit. To be fair and balanced, the conservatives sold out their followers to companies long ago and are just as useless. I digress… We each can have a say in government if we as a people decide to elect people that are actually willing to represent the people. As long as we vote these useless, empty suits into office, we have no voice.

The only way the people will have a voice is by focusing on 3rd party candidates as the republocrats are all owned by the same corporations and couldn’t care less what the average American thinks or wants.

So, short answer to your question… Fire the republocrats and vote 3rd party.

talljasperman's avatar

Bye personally running for office and vote on what you believe in.

Rarebear's avatar

Voting Third-party was directly responsible for putting Bush in to office and leading to two unnecessary wars.

DWW25921's avatar

@Rarebear Eeh… Bush was an idiot. It doesn’t seem to matter which main party gets elected the country gets worse and worse every 4 years… People are loyal to what their parties once were, certainly not what they are today. Anyone clinging with loyalty to their political parties at this point are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. They’ve been fooled, brainwashed and sheepafied! (I made up that word, I like it. Don’t judge me.)

Neodarwinian's avatar

In a representative democratic republic your say is through elected officials. And you say is protected by the appointed courts.

Elect well.

The founders feared the pure mob democracy that many think the way to go these days and works only in the homogenous societies such as Switzerland. With our diversity pute democracy would be dictatorship by the majority..

Not perfect, but many places Micheal Moore would have no say.

YARNLADY's avatar

@DWW25921 Personally, I agree with you. However, he has managed to single handedly make a tremendous influence on Government and people’s opinion.

DWW25921's avatar

@YARNLADY Yeah… I’ll give you that.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Vote in all elections.

Write and call your elected officials on all levels often.

Conserve energy in all its forms.

Conserve water.

Pre-cycle: that means don’t buy items with packaging that cannot be recycled or items with extraneous packaging, i.e., a large package containing individually wrapped smaller items.

Buy items made from recycled goods.

Recycle everything.

Drive consciously to limit all emissions. If you can, drive an electric car that limits the emissions to the electric charging source.

Use solar and wind and water energy.

Carry reusable shopping bags into stores.





YARNLADY's avatar

@Rarebear That kind of attitude just leads to less representation and more corruption. Rather than be part of the cause, we need more ideas on how to be part of the solution.

Rarebear's avatar

Fine. Get rid of the electoral college system and we’ll talk. Until then my vote for President is totally wasted.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Rarebear Eventually it will happen, so long as people care and act.

The Government is far more than the president.

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