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Has anybody had any experience with low dose naltrexone?

Asked by Unbroken (10754points) September 6th, 2013

I thought I saw a question where this was asked but haven’t been able to find it.

I stumbled upon some research and it rang a bell. I have read quite a few success stories and have since found quite a lot of rave reviews. How it supposedly cures everything from RA to Parkinson’s, to end stage liver disease to asthma etc. How it is used in the UK but very few medical trials have been used here in America because there is no money in it.

Has any one heard or gone through a treatment? Good or bad I would love to hear it.

There was a Dr. Beihari who used it here since the 80’s. He recently died but apparently he had people coking from all over the world to visit this healer. Dr. Berkson in New Mexico has also uses the treatment.

I have been considering this treatment as my last shot. So good or bad I want to be as practical as I can about this Hail Mary.

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