Meta Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What is your system for awarding a Great Answer or Great Question?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) September 6th, 2013

I’ve been here for a while, and I’ve slowly developed a system for giving out a Great Question or Great Answer. For me, a question that seeks genuine information or elicits informative exchanges is a great one. An answer that addresses the question and especially its details is a great one.

When I was new, I clicked the Great Answer button to everyone who took time to post almost anything on one of my own questions. I’ve stopped that and look for the ones that give me the information I need.

A Great Question now asks me to search or think. I like the funny questions, too, and sometimes participate in those threads.

When and why do you click on the Great Answer or Great Question buttons?

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29 Answers

ETpro's avatar

Oh, Great Question. I am pretty much a point fairey, since points cost me nothing; and while pointless, point recipients toward having a better day. If a question asks for info people here or on the outside Web would find useful, uplifting, funny or enlightening; that’s a great question in my eyes. If an answer addresses a great question and isn’t moronic, bigoted or hateful; that’s a great answer. Great answers also for humorous answers so long as the question wasn’t asked in General.

YARNLADY's avatar

I don’t have any system, it’s pretty much random, when I happen to remember.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t have a system per se, but I guess I have a pattern.

If I ask a question that requires very personal answers, almost everyone who answers is going to get a GA from me probably. I appreciate the sharing of very personal stories to help me with an issue.

If an answer teaches me something I give a GA. If a jelly makes very good points they get a GA.

If a jelly is new, less than 1,000 points I am extremely generous with giving them lurve.

I GQ for both creative and interesting questions.

Seek's avatar

Another lurve fairy here.

Fluther – where everything is made up and the points don’t matter!

Headhurts's avatar

I don’t tend to award questions that much. My system for awarding great answers are for either, proper serious answers to the question, then genuinely helps or, funny answers that would expect from certain people (like ucme, I do normally ga him) or, people that stand up for themselves when they are being shot down because someone doesn’t share their opinion.

dxs's avatar

I don’t really hav a system, I tend to lurve any answer that’s relevant if it’s on my question. On other threads I lurve answers if they offer good insights or took a lot of effort to post. It really only happens in the General Section. I don’t give as many “Great Question!“s because those are a little harder to remember to lurve. Usually I only remember if I think it’s a really good question.

filmfann's avatar

I give lurve to anyone with less than 100 lurve. Also, to anyone answering my questions.
When I start reading the responses to someone else’s question, I usually have an answer in mind. Anyone who beats me to it gets lurve, or anyone who I think has a better answer.
I always give lurve to everyone under 5GA on a celebration question (something everyone used to do, but lately almost no one does).
I give lurve to things that make me laugh, or when I feel people have really revealed painful things on here to help someone else.

Pachy's avatar

I calls ‘em as I sees ‘em.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Anything that touches me in some way will get a G. If it makes me stop and think or makes me laugh or cry it gets a G. If it annoys me, expresses ignorance, or trashes someone else I ignore it.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Good answer to everyone who posts an answer to my question. Question question, if it’s a good question. Good answer, if it’s a good answer on other jellies’ questions.

Sunny2's avatar

GQ to any question that makes me read the answers and any question I answer. GA to anyone who answers my question (with a few exceptions for dumb ass responses) GA to answers I find thoughtful, amusing, wise or informative.

jonsblond's avatar

I like to lurve the users who have unpopular beliefs and those who are usually debating on their own against everyone else.
I lurve just about anyone who answers my questions. If you didn’t help me and are just being an ass, then no lurve for you.
I give GQ’s to whatever I feel a GQ is.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Sometimes I stroll in unnoticed and lurve fest everyone.

Other times if I’m answering a Q, I lurve those I think answered the question as asked (this is especially true for General Qs).

augustlan's avatar

An answer that makes me think or laugh, or is an answer I support, gets a GA. A question that asks something I’ve always wondered about, or prompts a great discussion, gets a GQ (when I remember). I’m extra-inclined to lurve a question if it’s well-written and/or asked by a new member.

thorninmud's avatar

Here are some things I often find myself rewarding with a lurve unit:

Virtuosity – Beauty of expression, technical prowess, expertise, ninja-like research skills.
Good citizenship – Fostering harmony and respect.
Compassion – Some gesture that shows an open and generous heart.
Originality – “Cool! I never thought of that!” or “What an interesting insight!”
Promising-looking new jelly – “Hey, pull up a chair; we could use more of your kind”
Nobility – Transcending meanness of spirit in some way.
Flattery – “You liked what I said? Gosh, um, here, have some lurve”
Hilarious – but only if it avoided the obvious gag.
Wisdom – Hard to define, but pretty clear when it shows up.
Hard work – “Wow, you really went out of your way for that one”

zenzen's avatar

I lurve everyone on my thread, the one above me when I reply on another, and always award a GQ regardless.

marinelife's avatar

A great answer to a genuine attempt at providing information on a question that I ask; on someone else’s question an excellent answer or a witty or especially well-written one. Great questions are harder for me. They have to be something I too want to know or would not have thought to ask or those that prompt thought-provoking discussions.

DWW25921's avatar

If I write a question and they agree with me or if I write an answer and I’m agreed with. Or if I agree with something that someone else has written. Basically, my system is based solely upon narcissism.

Blondesjon's avatar

10 A-Z=26
20 if usernamefirstletter=odd than gq=gq+5
30 if usernamefirstletter=even than gq=0
40 if opquestion=Blodesjon than ga=1
50 if ga=1 than threadposter=threadposter+5
60 goto10

gailcalled's avatar

Anything in flawless Finnish gets a GA from me.

Blondesjon's avatar

Virheetön Finiish ja alkusointu.

gailcalled's avatar

Give me a minute to check for flaws.

Tämä on vastaus päivän.

DWW25921's avatar

Nopea ruskea kettu hyppäsi laiskan koiran yli.

DWW25921's avatar

@Blondesjon You spelled “Finnish” wrong. The rest was fine.

Blondesjon's avatar

@DWW25921 . . . NO! Google Translate fucking spelled Finnish wrong.

jonsblond's avatar

I can’t believe janbb’s hug question only received one GQ before I noticed. Hug questions deserve all the lurve we can give.

Berserker's avatar

I only give GA’s to people who sacrifice goats for me while dancing naked in the moonlight.

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