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jonsblond's avatar

Should we watch Zero Dark Thirty or Argo?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) September 7th, 2013

We can only watch one tonight. The husband says Argo. I say Zero Dark Thirty.

Which movie do you prefer?

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30 Answers

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Argo has Heisenberg
I think the choice is clear

chyna's avatar

Zero Dark Thirty.
The wife should get the choice.

Jeruba's avatar

Of the two, I’ve only seen Argo. I enjoyed it a lot.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

To be honest, I haven’t seen both and I vote for Cannibal Holocaust

jonsblond's avatar

I would usually agree with you @chyna, but I feel bad for Jon. We took a trip to the ER today to get a piece of metal out of his eye. He says he’s fine, but I still feel bad for the guy. but I really want to see Zero Dark Thirty. Ah, first world problems.

You had me at Heisenberg @Michael_Huntington. I forgot he was in Argo.

rockfan's avatar

Depends on the mood you’re in. Zero Dark Thirty is an intense docudrama and is extremely realistic, while Argo is very entertaining and Hollywoodized.

Blondesjon's avatar

@chyna . . . i was sooo unaware that boxers were sexist.

Pachy's avatar

I’m watching Argo right this minute. I’m finding it excellent, but the topic is very upsetting to me.

Rarebear's avatar

I liked them both but Argo was a better movie.

chyna's avatar

@Blondesjon Well, since you had that eye thing, maybe it should be your choice. Just this once though.

Jeruba's avatar

You can watch the other one tomorrow night, right?

Blondesjon's avatar

@chyna . . . You had me at, ‘it should be your choice’.

@Jeruba . . . A completely legitimate argument, but, with that logic, how do we determine who is ‘right’?

for the record ‘right’ means my choice

jonsblond's avatar

@Jeruba Tomorrow night is Dexter and Breaking Bad. There’s no time. It will have to wait until next weekend.

Jeruba's avatar

Ah. I get it. I didn’t realize this was a sporting competition.

Ok, then:

1. Who picked the last movie?
2. Who won the last argument?
3. Who needs points the most?
4. Who’s going to be the sorest loser?
5. Who’s going to be the pissiest winner?

Give point values to the answers and add ‘em up.

chyna's avatar

So who won? What movie did you watch?

Blondesjon's avatar

We haven’t yet. Right now the little girl has Diary Of A Wimpy Kid on.

i sooo want a loded diper t-shirt

marinelife's avatar

Argo of the two of them. After all, you know how Zero Dark Thirty comes out.

jonsblond's avatar

@chyna We are cheering up the daughter right now. We just spent thirty minutes looking at funny t-shirts at We still have time for Argo, I hope. It’s not one of those 3 hour movies, is it?

filmfann's avatar

Argo is a better movie. My favorite from last year was Life of Pi, but I really did enjoy Argo.

Jeruba's avatar

So—how did this Saturday-night drama turn out?

ragingloli's avatar

No you should avoid this kind of propaganda like the plague

filmfann's avatar

Yeah, listen to @ragingloli and you’ll end up watching this instead of last years best picture winner.

ragingloli's avatar

Which would be 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times better.

ucme's avatar

Argo is a steaming pile of shite, that should help, but probably won’t.

jonsblond's avatar

@Jeruba Our daughter needed some cheering up, so we decided to wait until this weekend to watch the movies. I’m hoping we can fit them both in. It looks like Argo will be the first movie we watch.

Jeruba's avatar

Yes, I saw the other thread, @jonsblond. Hope she’s ok.

I think maybe what @ucme is trying to say is: enjoy Argo as fiction. It isn’t a documentary.

ucme's avatar

I think maybe what @Jeruba is trying to avoid is to patronise while remaining diplomatic :)

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ucme's avatar

^^ Glad to see clunky, self serving attempts at amateur psychology are dealt with accordingly.
Some people truly act like petulant children on these pages.

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