Social Question

Unbroken's avatar

Ladies: Have you ever...

Asked by Unbroken (10754points) September 8th, 2013

Looked at your toenails after removing nail polish, cutting shaping and buffing them pushing back cuticles.

Sat there with nail polish in hand and been captivated and surprised at how pretty your nude toenails look?

What do you do? Do you paint them regardless?

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28 Answers

ccrow's avatar

Hmmm… can’t say I’ve ever ‘been captivated and surprised at how pretty your nude toenails look’. I guess I regard my feet/toes as functional rather than attractive. But I do paint my toenails sometimes:-)

Unbroken's avatar

Oh I have ugly toes and wide feet narrow heels.

But toenails well they are fun.

DigitalBlue's avatar

Yes. Sometimes I forget what my bare toes look like, and when I take off my polish and tidy them up I let them go natural for a while. It’s really like I forget how pretty my toes look without polish until that happens.

anniereborn's avatar

Dunno, I never paint my nails

ragingloli's avatar

I do not use nail polish

JLeslie's avatar

For years I rarely painted my toenails. Then I started painting them and now they are always painted. Once in a while I do look at my naked nails and think it would be nice to go au naturale, but I never go with the feeling, not yet anyway. Well, during the coldest times in the winter I might for a week here and there, but no one is seeing my toes, same as skipping shaving for a few days.

Katniss's avatar

Wow. It’s been years since I had nude toenails. I hate my feet so I do what I can to make them a little more attractive.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Love my toes nude or polished. I do sometimes admire them in the unpolished state, especially with a particular pair of flip-flops. And, if you are negative on your toes, ladies, may I suggest a toe ring or two or three? Nothing makes feet feel sexier ; )

livelaughlove21's avatar

I hate how toenails, any toenails belonging to a female, look without polish. I don’t know why. I keep mine painted.

hearkat's avatar

I almost never polish my nails. It makes them feel like they are suffocating.

jonsblond's avatar

I’ve painted my toenails twice in the past decade. It’s an unnecessary expense and waste of time for me. I doubt my husband has ever looked at my toenails and thought “Damn, those would be sexier if they were painted.”

gailcalled's avatar

^^^ What she said, substituting Mi-lo for “my husband.”

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

No. I leave on the polish for long periods of time—toenail polish doesn’t chip or wear out the way fingernail polish does—so the nails are always discolored and yellowish.

Unbroken's avatar

Who cares what men think. I never did it for males or their family. I am not super girly I love taking care of my feet, I am on them all day. Restoring circulation, massaging the knots out fixing the nails making sure no callouses occur.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Unbroken I care what men think. :)

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@Unbroken I care what men think. I especially care what a man named Paul thinks. We celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary last week. After all these years, we still get enormous joy from pleasing each other.

naynay86's avatar

Definitely polished! One of the great things of being a female…I hate unpolished nails, reminds me of guys feet lol.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@naynay86 What’s wrong with guy feet?

naynay86's avatar

They aren’t pretty boyfriend has the nicest, softest feet..but they are still ugly and boring!

jonsblond's avatar

Funny how the assumption is that if toenails are unpainted it means a person doesn’t care for their feet. not true

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@naynay86 I’ve seen some women’s feet that make me want to run for the hills. Painted or unpainted.

naynay86's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe that is true, and thats why socks and closed toed shoes were created lol

livelaughlove21's avatar

I hate guy feet, too. My husband has monkey feet. I dislike feet in general, but guys generally have the least attractive feet. I can’t stand when guys wear flip-flops or sandals. It’s just a turn-off for me.

Seek's avatar

My feet are not winning any fetish contests. They’re pretty damn ugly if I’m honest.

But, I enjoy the process of pedicuring. It has predictable steps and provides instant gratification, and it feels good.

So, no, I’ve never admitted my toenails, painted or nude. It’s the process of painting that is therapeutic, not the end result.

deni's avatar

Yes, when I wear nail polish I don’t pick at my nails as much because I don’t want it to chip off earlier than it will anyhow. So I leave them alone and when I do finally remove it they usually look healthier, stronger. It’s nice. Toenails, not so much. My feet have always been bleh.

Seek's avatar

Ugh. Admitted should be admired.

Unbroken's avatar

@SadieMartinPaul I am happy for you I should clarify I was speaking in reference to toe nails. Where in my instance a male has never complimented or expressed a preference unless I am doing it right next to him and then they complain about the smell.

@naynay86 How interesting I think feet are somewhat sexy. Unless they are hairy or have callouses. They often have flaws but that almost makes it better.

@Adirondackwannabe at least you will be in good shape.

@livelaughlove21 The dreaded sandal sock is truly awful. I think I can say never seen anyone pull off this look.

@jonsblond Please don’t put words in my mouth. It is a ritual for me. I wasn’t speaking about anyone else.

@Seek_Kohlinahr I found myself nodding. Maybe that was why I painted my toes even after I liked how they looked wo. I don’t always but as of late it has become second nature.

@deni I am envious. My fingernails always fo unpainted or only stay painted for a couple of hours. I have a hard time sitting still and letting them dry all the way and smear them when tacky. If I get past that point dishwashing and handwashing makes them peel or they chip on something and as soon as I notice I try my best not to chip it all off. Born fidgeter. I can leave it alone if it looks good but not otherwise. It’s like a have at it sign!

jonsblond's avatar

@Unbroken I never did such a thing. it was a general observation. don’t take it personal.

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