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LostInParadise's avatar

Some questions about Diana Nyad's swim?

Asked by LostInParadise (32286points) September 8th, 2013

Let me preface this by saying that what she did was extraordinary. I do,however, have some technical questions.

They keep saying that she was the first to do the swim without a shark cage. What is the deal with shark cages? Does having a shark cage make the swim easier, or does it just provide added protection from sharks?

Nyad obviously had to eat during the swim. I was always told to wait an hour after eating before going swimming to avoid getting a cramp. How did Nyad manage to avoid cramps?

Pardon this indelicate question, but how do you handle food elimination during such a swim?

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11 Answers

marinelife's avatar

1. Shark Cage only protects against sharks.

2. She took nourishment in liquid form.

3. I imagine she just lets go.

jaytkay's avatar

Does having a shark cage make the swim easier

Q; What do you call an extreme-distance ocean swimmer without a shark cage?

A: Bob

Thanks, I’ll be here all week, tip your waitress, try the veal…

Neodarwinian's avatar

The waiting an hour after eating to swim thing is a myth.

Buttonstc's avatar


I’d call them “Chum”

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

A shark cage makes the swim easier as it creates a drafting effect. Plus, she was wearing a mask and suit that slowed her down.

@Neodarwinian is correct that the eating/swimming myth has been busted. As for the bodily waste question, you do what ya gotta do. Keep in mind that she swam for 53 hours non-stop. Using up that kind of energy takes a lot of fuel.

flo's avatar

They just let go in the ocean? Dis-gus-ting. Sickening.

ccrow's avatar

@flo what do you think all the creatures in the sea do?

flo's avatar

They at least have no choice, but humans??? omg.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

When she was younger, she was a babe.

jaytkay's avatar

When she was younger, she was a babe.

Oh, my.

I’ve listened to Nyad for many, many years on public radio in the US. I knew she is kind of a big deal. And I knew she’s 60+. And she kicks ass.

I forgot to check if she was hot.

flo's avatar

What do the different articles you read about this swim have in common?

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