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elbanditoroso's avatar

Was George Orwell correct after all? Are the animals getting revenge?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) September 9th, 2013

Thee gorings from different animals in just a couple of weeks. George Orwell wrote about this in Animal Farm.

Coincidence ? Or the beginning of the revolution?

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14 Answers

drhat77's avatar

Cows are more dangerous than sharks. Always have been. I think this animal attack things is part of diminishing habitat, but also the 24 hour news cycle that needs to fill the air with something.

ragingloli's avatar


syz's avatar

Someone who owned a buffalo, a hunter, and a zookeeper – sounds like individuals who put themselves in harms way, to me.

Coloma's avatar

Any time one is dealing with animals of any kind there is a risk of injury.
I’ve been a horse person most of my life and have a pin in my left shoulder from a bad fall. I have been head butted, had my nose broken, fallen, kicked, stepped on and bitten. Comes with the territory being around large animals that can seriously hurt you without aggressive intent.

My old neigh-bor was a 17 hand Thoroughbred Mule…she had a head like an anvil and when she “playfully” head butted you you were knocked about 5 feet across the yard. This was just the tiniest little shove, 1/50th of her potential. lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

My cat keeps getting even with me and I haven’t even DONE anything to him.

drhat77's avatar

@Dutchess_III my wife (who has many feline characteristics) sometimes bops me on the head, and when I ask her what for, she simply shrugs and says “Prophylaxis”

DWW25921's avatar

@drhat77 Don’t cows kill like 300 people a year or something that way? It is very high compared to other animals. Go figure.

drhat77's avatar

that’s because cows way as much as cars and have even less intelligence than your average driver (if you could imagine). Sometimes they just side-swipe you down into the ground, walk all over you, then youse a’dead.

DWW25921's avatar

I think Hippos are pretty high on the list too. I looked it up once… If only I felt like it now… LOL

tinyfaery's avatar

No, but they should.

Coloma's avatar

Yes…Hippos are responsible for many deaths a year in Africa. They are bad tempered and very territorial creatures.
As far as intelligence goes…well..I always say that every animal is as intelligent as they need to be. A Turkey is intelligent enough to be a Turkey, sooo..I find it silly to even remotely try to compare any animals intelligence to humans.

Turkeys and cows may not be able to solve complex problems but they also don’t start wars.

zenvelo's avatar

It’s nothing new, the animals have been out to get us for years. You’re just realizing it. The UN has been keeping this a secret since Orwell broke the news. (Animal Farm is not a novel, it’s journalism.)

KNOWITALL's avatar

Only humans conceptualize revenge, so no.

Coloma's avatar

I must say, I did know an evil pony once. His name was “Pippen.”
He was only about 10 hands tall, maybe 450–500 lbs. He ran me down, stomped on me, pounded my chest, dislocated my knee and tore a chunk off of my good shoulder. haha

This family bought him for their kids and asked me to handle him, train him. OMG!
Fools abound when it comes to novice horse people. Kids pony my ass…he was a renegade that needed about 300 hours with the horse whisperer. lol

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