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ucme's avatar

A character from a movie/TV show that has reminded you of someone you know?

Asked by ucme (50052points) September 9th, 2013

However obscure/remote, just a recognition either physically or in personality.

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16 Answers

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

I know a guy whose personality heavily resembles J.D.‘s from Scrubs.
My sister reminds me of Penny from The Big Bang Theory.

Pachy's avatar

Every character in “Office Space” reminds me of almost every person I ever had to work with in my career, especially Bill Lumbergh, Samir Nagheenanajar, Milton Waddams, and the two Bobs. And perhaps most of all (Pachy says with modestly) Peter Gibbons reminds me of me.

talljasperman's avatar

Sheldon cooper my self.

keobooks's avatar

My dad used to be a dead ringer for Drew Carey when he was on his show. (NOT the new thin freaky looking Drew Carey on the Price is Right)

My mom’s mannerisms are a lot like Diane on Cheers.

When I was in high school, everyone around me said I looked exactly like Ally Sheedy in Breakfast Club

longgone's avatar

Abby from ER reminds me of my aunt – and House is kind of like our vet.

zenvelo's avatar

I knew a guy like Joey Tribbiani from Friends. They looked alike and they talked alike. And my friend always seemed to go home with another woman. And this was before Friends was on the air!

filmfann's avatar

My Mom was a great deal like Geraldine Page in The Trip To Bountiful

My Grandfather was a great deal like Gene Hackman in The Royal Tenenbaums

My Dad was a lot like James Garner in The Rockford Files

livelaughlove21's avatar

Shane from The L Word reminded me a lot of my friend Kym. And she considers that a great compliment. :)

El_Cadejo's avatar

A friend of mine looks/acts like Reese from Malcom in the Middle would 5 years after the show ended.

Working in a biker bar for a while I met a lot of people that were rather similar to the neo-nazis in Breaking Bad

I had a teacher last semester that looked almost identical to Walter White. I lost it the day I walked up to his desk and saw Leaves of Grass sitting on the corner of his desk.

My grandmom reminds me of Betty White(she plays the same character (which I believe is rather close to who she is) in pretty much everything)

jonsblond's avatar

Johnny Carson’s style of humor and thick head of hair always reminded me of my father.

wildpotato's avatar

My dad is exactly like Calvin’s dad in appearance, personality, and mannerisms. He does tell me true things, though, mostly.

I also have a friend who looks quite a bit like Link.

@uberbatman You know Reese! That is so excellent.

dabbler's avatar

The main actress in “Once”, Markéta Irglová, reminded me of a niece, vaguely because of her looks but mostly because of her composure. (I admire this niece tremendously, she has two kids, a fine but accident-prone husband, and is always steady-as-it-goes and bright and pleasant.)

cookieman's avatar

Stanley Tucci (character actor) looks exactly like my wife’s cousin.

Inna Garten (Food Network) resembles my wife quite a bit.

Katniss's avatar

I call my son Sheldon. Most of the time when he opens his mouth, something very Sheldon Cooper-ish comes out.

I have been called Chrissy Snow and Kelly Bundy many times over the years. I don’t look like either of them so I’m assuming that I’m being called dumb? lol

kelendriarow's avatar

Nancy Botwin is exactly like me. A friend of mine long long time told me about Weeds and told me I should watch because we are identical. This guys was absolutely right:)

snowberry's avatar

I recently met a man whose mannerisms and speech remind me of Tim Conway’s comedic characters. The thing is, this guy isn’t trying to be funny.

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