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Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

What is your favorite toilet paper and why?

Asked by Sueanne_Tremendous (11295points) September 9th, 2013

It seems quite dead in here and I figure a question or two might not hurt. So, Jenn, my partner and I have a disagreement about the best “bath tissue” (another disagreement…I say TP she says bath tissue). I am in the Northern Quilted camp. She is a bitch for Charmin. I claim Northern doesn’t ball up and stick like Charmin. She claims Charmin feels better on her tush.

So what say you Fluthorians?

I apologize if I’ve asked this before

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28 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

Cheap, clean and dry.

chyna's avatar

Cottenelle. But the bigger question is over or under? Do you put the roll with it facing out, or coming from the back?

jca's avatar

I put it with the roll facing out (which I got from an Ann Landers column long ago, and it is the way it’s done in hotels, and it’s also the way that keeps your hands from touching the walls therefore making marks on the wall).

I use either Kirkland brand (Costco generic brand) which is wider than most name brands and is good quality (Costco talks about their quality control for toilet paper in their publications and online – they have people whose job it is just to test their TP quality) or whatever is on sale from a supermarket. The Kirkland brand is good but I am not always in Costco, so I will buy a 12 roll or 18 roll or whatever is on sale from supermarket, and that lasts a few months, at least.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

@chyna I am over the top, Jenn is against the wall. I f’n hate it.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

@jca…Hmmm..Costco…another bone of contention between she and I. I love this!

jonsblond's avatar

Angel Soft, because it has that cute baby on the package. No really, because it’s the softest, affordable toilet paper I’ve found.

In my house I’m just lucky to have toilet paper on the roll. If I don’t change it, it never gets changed. Sometimes I see how long it will take for someone else to change it and I’ve waited over a month and nothing happened. The toilet paper just sits on the bathroom counter instead. I can get a nice collection of empty rolls too. I’m the only person to throw those away. ugh

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Empty rolls are good hiding places for jewelry. I shouldn’t say but we keep some good shit in old TP rolls. And we keep them in the same place as the good TP. We always keep a few layers of TP on the roll to make it legit. Legit…to a bugler.

jca's avatar

When I had my bathroom redone last summer I put the toilet paper right in front of the toilet, so it’s very convenient for me to change and therefore, it’s never on the counter or top of the tank like it used to be when the holder was in an inconvenient corner.

johnpowell's avatar

I have fought with this. I hate Charmin. Quilted Northern Ultra Plus wins for me. I have tried them all and the price/pain ratio seems best.

edit: changed the image to one that isn’t the size of a Linux ISO…

DominicX's avatar

Anything that says “ultra soft”. I hate rough thin toilet paper :)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I buy Seventh Generation toilet paper, because it’s made of recycled paper.

ragingloli's avatar

The cheapest one.

downtide's avatar

I’m with @ragingloli to be honest. Not the cheapest harsh rubbish stuff, but certainly a generic supermarket own-brand “soft” tp. Brands like Charmin and Andrex are better, but not better enough to warrant wasting all that extra money on something that just gets flushed down the drain.

Of course the MOST important question is, which way round should the roll be?

ucme's avatar

The one where it suggests it’s akin to wiping your arse with a puppy dawg.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@ucme Puppy dawgs have very sharp teeth.

ragingloli's avatar

not if you rip them out

ucme's avatar

Or gag them & use their soft underbellies as the contact point.

Seek's avatar

I can’t be arsed.

hearkat's avatar

Cheap and made from mostly recycled paper. Unfragranced, so it won’t make me sneeze.

anniereborn's avatar

Scott tissue. It lasts a really long time. And it doesn’t leave any little balls behind.

ucme's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr You crack me up :)

Seek's avatar

@ucme you’re such a stinker. :-P

rojo's avatar

It is a compromise between softness, toughness and cost. Brand does not enter into the discussion much at our house.

Sunny2's avatar

Across the world, I’ve used everything from squares of newspaper, to a kind of stiff waxy paper, to crisp tissue, to really soft tissue paper. I buy with an eye to the cost and prefer, not the softest, nor the scratchiest, but soft with enough body to hold together. Thank you for asking.

Pooh54's avatar

Cottonelle, it has soft ridges to get you extra clean and it doesn’t feel like sand paper.

Pooh54's avatar

@chyna over the top – (Roll facing out) bad idea if you have cats that like to play with it. Luckily mine do not care for it so it works for me.

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