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ucme's avatar

Tyrants/Dictators: Who had the funniest accent & who would've been the best stand-up comic?

Asked by ucme (50052points) September 10th, 2013

Past or present, leave no stoning unturned.
Assad sounds like Mr.Bean doing an impression of Borat.
The boy Hitler had limited material, but no one timed a gag better.

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14 Answers

drhat77's avatar

Mussolini, hands down. He was so enameled enamored of himself he didn’t care how he looked while doing it.

But I guess the Kim family of North Korea has out done him, we just don’t see most of it being in the oppressive censoring capitalist hell.

(funniest bald joke ever, autocorrect)

ucme's avatar

@drhat77 The daft bald headed bugger was “well hung” too…in the end.

woodcutter's avatar

The guy who used that word, “stupidly” recently.

ucme's avatar

I think maybe Attila the Pun woulda made a fine comedian, killed his audience.

ragingloli's avatar

Bush. He is like the stupid guy from the three stooges.

Blondesjon's avatar

Hitler would have killed.

oh. wait a minute . . .

filmfann's avatar

Mohamar Khadaffi was a hoot. So is Putin

janbb's avatar

I vote for Idi Amin

Pachy's avatar

Stand-up despots… what a concept!

Pachy's avatar

@janbb, how did you pick him… idi, meeny, miny, moe ?

janbb's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room Well, amin to say….

ucme's avatar

When U-Gan-Da stop with these silly jokes?

drhat77's avatar

Saddam Hussein: take my life, please!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Dubya was the funniest.

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