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ucme's avatar

[NSFW-ish] Male members: After urinating do you dab, wiggle or a little bit of both?

Asked by ucme (50052points) September 11th, 2013

Well, it is a slow news day, not like there’s any huge/dramatic anniversary or anything ;-}

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23 Answers

DWW25921's avatar

I just smack the sink a few times.

ucme's avatar

@DWW25921 Ha, point percy at the porcelain eh?

DWW25921's avatar

@ucme I reckon. I have to get close though, being all short and stubby and all.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Two guys are in the shower at the health club. One guy looks over and the other’s dick is all black and blue. Guys don’t usually get too obvious in checking out each other, so he doesn’t say anything. They hit the urinal on the way out. (Guys also don’t piss in the shower). The one guy grabs a piece of tissue and dabs it on the end of his dick. “What are you doing?” the guy with the black and blue dick asks. “Just getting the drips off. What do you do?” The other guy grabs his dick with both hands and wrings it out hard like a towel.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Old poem I once heard:

“no matter how you shake and dance,
The last few drops go down your pants”

I think I learned this in 4th grade.

zenvelo's avatar

Shake, shake shake.

Tha’ water’s cold!
It’s deep, too!

ucme's avatar

^^ Moby Dick?

Coloma's avatar

” Male members…..haha
Pun intended I assume?

elbanditoroso's avatar

I know what royalty does.

What do the pe-ons do?

Coloma's avatar

Whip it, whip it good.

ucme's avatar

@Coloma You assume correctly.

Strauss's avatar

My SO still doesn’t get that men don’t need to wipe after a pee.

Katniss's avatar

My fiancé just shakes it off and goes on his merry way.

zenvelo's avatar

@Coloma I work at the Stock Exchange. The men’s room door dates back to when there were only men allowed to own seats, and the men’s room was marked “Members Only”.

FutureMemory's avatar

Shake. But sometimes you do have to shake a lot to get it all out. I can see why some men might dab, and I do dab occasionally after shaking. I really don’t like the idea of getting even 1 drop of urine on my clothing.

Blondesjon's avatar

@FutureMemory . . . Do you sit down as well?

drhat77's avatar

I take mine to the law firm of Milk, Waggle, & Dab

ucme's avatar

Well, I feel it only fair to reveal my technique when draining the lizard, it’d be rude not to.
I wiggle & dab every time, even after writing my name in the snow.

drhat77's avatar

@ucme don’t forget to milk

ucme's avatar

@drhat77 Only those two actions for me, no milk…same with my coffee.

DominicX's avatar

Most of the time, just shaking is good enough. I do sometimes “dab” though. That may have something to do with being uncircumcised…

Eggie's avatar

I usually shake after…... I have been shaking ever since I could remember.

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