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LuckyGuy's avatar

Considering the differences between male and female pelvises, can men Twerk?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43889points) September 11th, 2013

I can’t. I can roll my pelvis and do lower back exercises. I can do kegels like a pro but there is no way I can shake ‘em like I got ‘em. Is this a male / female thing? Is the female pelvis that much more flexible than the male version?. Can any Y chromosome holder twerk it like LadyDetroit?
Can you do it?

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35 Answers

janbb's avatar

I couldn’t twerk if a million dollars were on the line. I have small buns which are not prehensile.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I tried but no one dares to look at it to tell me if I’m doing it right.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I’m female and can’t twerk. I haven’t tried, but I know my hips don’t move like that. A lot of the girls that attempt it can’t do it either.

I’ve seen a few guys twerk. It looked just as stupid as when girls do it, so I guess he was doing it right.

drhat77's avatar

Even if you could, why would you want to?

LuckyGuy's avatar

@janbb If a million was on the line I’d make a machine that would force me to do it.
@Adirondackwannabe Send me a video and I will give you an honest opinion.
@livelaughlove21 Where do you hang out that you see guys doing this? Can they really rotate their pelvises that way?
@drhat77 It’s a curiosity thing. I thought the Michael Jackson moon walk was interesting so I learned how to do it. I liked what “running man” looked like so I learned it, too. I liked how she used a hula hoop so I tried it. (practically choked myself to death).
I figure it’s exercise that increases flexibility, and coordination and burns a calorie or two. Sure beats sitting on the couch. .

Headhurts's avatar

Sometimes when I am alone and dancing along to Crazy in Love, I have a go, the first one is usually ok, but then I look like I am fitting.

drhat77's avatar

@LuckyGuy i suppose I’m getting crotchety at my old age of 36. them kids…

janbb's avatar

@drhat77 “Crotchety”??

janbb's avatar

Oh I know the word. Was going for a pun on crotch.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@LuckyGuy Online videos, mostly. YouTube has a few, I’m sure.

drhat77's avatar

@janbb totally went over my head

janbb's avatar

@drhat77 I’m tempted to ask which one but that would be kind of crude.

ucme's avatar

Nowt to do with the pelvis, if you happen to go commando, like me, then the biggest issue is ya balls slapping off ya arse…it kinda smarts :(

chyna's avatar

@LuckyGuy Could you post a video of you twerking so I can better judge if you can really twerk or not?

drhat77's avatar

@ucme, do like me Friday nights at the drag club, tuck&tape

LuckyGuy's avatar

@ucme I hear you. I find it is a pain having to yank my other head out of my navel.
@chyna.I’ll be sure to post it on my FB page.
@drhat77 I guess I am still a kid at heart. My curiosity gets the best of me. If I see something interesting I just have to know how they do it. That is why I spend so much time studying the porn channel. Wait… they put what, where and how long? I must try that some time.

dxs's avatar

I don’t even want to try.

ucme's avatar

New idea for reality show, celebrities flashing their arses in new dance craze.
They could call it Star Twerk…to boldly go where no man has gone before.

picante's avatar

What about a Circle Twerk?

ucme's avatar

Didn’t Bill Haley Twerk around the Cock, no wait…was he gay?

KNOWITALL's avatar

The twerkin mans blues!

janbb's avatar

I Been Twerkin’ on the Railroad…...

LuckyGuy's avatar

Hey, back in the day didn’t Elvis shake that thang? Elvis – Pelvis. Coinkidink? I think not.

livelaughlove21's avatar

This guy actually impressed me. He definitely knows how to work that ass.

DominicX's avatar

@livelaughlove21 Hawt ;)

Twerking is such a lame fad…but the idea of a hot guy doing it really melts my butter…

Strauss's avatar

“That’s the sound of the men twerkin’ on the chain gayang”

ucme's avatar

“Twerkin 9 til 5, what a way to earn a livin”

LuckyGuy's avatar

Can’t help it. I keep Twerkin’ my way back to this Q.

ucme's avatar

“Lazy? You callin me lazy? I’ve bin twerkin my arse off over here…c’mon!”

Strauss's avatar

“I’m twerkin’ my way back to You, babe”

GloPro's avatar

Get a spare tire. Stand it up vertically and sit just off center of the top, like you would in a chair, with the tire between your legs. With your weight on the tire you can rock your hips back and forth and the tire will roll with you. It’s a twerk trainer. Good luck.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@GloPro That is very clever. I don’t really need the skill I was just curious.
I learned how to Moonwalk and do Running Man because… well… because I was curious.
Thanks for the tip.

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