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filmfann's avatar

Was the Esquire Magazine mistake done on purpose?

Asked by filmfann (52596points) September 11th, 2013

Today, September 11, Esquire Magazine published this photo. The photo shows a man falling to his death from the World Trade Center, and is accompanied by a caption telling you how to look more stylish while you’re going to work.
Esquire says it was a mistake. I think they just got a lot of publicity that you just can’t buy.
What say you?

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24 Answers

janbb's avatar

Very tasteless. I think a mistake.

muppetish's avatar

Was it published in the physical magazine or on their website? Because I could see it being really easy to accidentally upload a photo online. A little trickier in getting something like that past the copyeditors for a print magazine.

Either way, if it was not a genuine error, it was probably done by someone lower on the totem pole with a sick sense of humour or an agenda. The publishers or editors may not have noticed until it was too late.

Jeruba's avatar

Did you see it for yourself in the magazine, @filmfann? Did this really happen? I’m having trouble believing it.

PhiNotPi's avatar

Although people often say that any publicity is good publicity, I would definitely say that this is bad publicity. I doubt that this is intentional.

Blackberry's avatar

Lol wtf?! Someone was fired today….

CWOTUS's avatar

Too bad Esquire couldn’t have hired Hilary Clinton to speak for them:

“What, after all, does it matter now?”

“It happened such a long time ago.”


Pachy's avatar

Esquire Magazine ✔ @Esquiremag
Relax, everybody. There was a stupid technical glitch on our “Falling Man” story and it was fixed asap. We’re sorry for the confusion.
11:12 AM – 11 Sep 2013

A terrible error, but I believe them and accept their apology. Let’s move on.

Katniss's avatar


ucme's avatar

Meh, who cares? Let it go.

ragingloli's avatar

I fucking lol’d.

reminds me of this gas advert

Cupcake's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room That is a terrible apology.

janbb's avatar

I guess the Europeans among us don’t get how much this would bother us.

Katniss's avatar

@Dutchess_III That just about sums it up.

ucme's avatar

European!?! Spits on floor.

ragingloli's avatar

yeah, how dare you group these island inbreds with us europeans!

janbb's avatar

How great! I’m managed to get both of you mad at me instead of each other!

ucme's avatar

Oh i’m not mad, just tongue in cheek, as with my original answer.

ucme's avatar

It quotes Hitler…again & see the neo-nazi follower(s), tee-hee.

DWW25921's avatar

Very poor taste… It passed editing so they did it on purpose. No press is bad press, as they say.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Is there a lawsuit in there? I would think there would be…..

Dutchess_III's avatar

That just makes me sick.

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