Social Question

Do you feel that more Americans are waking up to the fact that the Republicans and the Democrats are absolutely useless?
Personally, when someone tells me that they’re a (staunch) Republican or Democrat I’m unimpressed. You can’t be “polarized” with political beliefs and be an effective citizen (voter) at the same time. It’s not unlike a friend I had years ago who had a car that wouldn’t run. I asked him why he kept it. He told me once, “It’s not worth a dime now but it used to take me places.” Go somewhere or don’t bud, it’s your choice at this point.
When someone tells me they’re an Independent I feel like they’re probably pretty intelligent and worthy of my respect. It also tells me that they care about their country and the direction it’s headed. It also tells me that they aren’t going to cling tenaciously to an empty suit for the answers. A lot of folks give up on their country (don’t vote) because they don’t like the “2 choices” in front of them. Others go another way.
Anyway, the question; “Do you feel that more Americans are waking up to the fact that the Republicans and the Democrats are absolutely useless?” This question is so obvious it’s practically rhetorical at this point. So, feel free to share why you became an Independent and how making that decision positively impacted your life.
For me personally, I am ashamed to admit I started out as a Republican because my parents were. I didn’t question it, I thought it was the right thing to do. I ended up talking to my Aunt who is a Democrat, who I respect greatly, and realized that the parties are basically a smoke screen for the companies that own them.
It seems most Democrats are loyal because of guys like Harry Truman. He worked for us. “The buck stops here”, how great is that? The Republicans cling to Lincoln (ending slavery) and Reagan (USA Hell Yeah!). That just to say folks, they’re dead. They aren’t coming back and the parties they helped build have been perverted into something far less noble and are long gone at this point.
Senators are regularly bought and sold like cattle at a meat market and we’re lucky to find a scrap they leave behind. It’s time to face the reality that these people don’t work for us. They will lie, cheat and steal to convince you to vote. I have a crazy idea, why not vote for someone because you really feel they’re what’s best for the nation as a whole? Why not vote for someone who will actually represent you and your area, and vote them out if they don’t? Why do we let these useless empty suits get away with this nonsense?