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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you feel that people who are into conspiracy theories are "deep thinkers?"?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) September 12th, 2013

Like, wow. I just sent a friend request to someone I just met on fb, and she told me up front “I am into conspiracy theories and really deep things…”

It really set me back. It never occurred to me that those people really think their rantings were signs of “deep thinking.” I just see them as irrational, paranoid and delusional.

What makes them think they’re deep?

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38 Answers

1TubeGuru's avatar

I also find conspiracy theorists to be irrational ,paranoid and delusional but the fact remains that some conspiracies are real,

Dutchess_III's avatar

But what makes them think they’re deep?

drhat77's avatar

They think they can see through the veil that the sheeples’ eyes happily settle on.

jonsblond's avatar

It never occurred to me that those people really think their rantings were signs of “deep thinking.”

Then you aren’t a deep thinker if it never occurred to you.~

But seriously, do you really think they think of themselves as irrational, paranoid and delusional?

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, of course they don’t @jonsblond, but I never thought they considered them selves deep and thoughtful, either. I don’t consider myself deep and thoughtful. How many people do? I mean, that’s something you usually say about other people. “He’s a really deep thinker.”

drhat77's avatar

I think I’m a pretty deep thinker. I hope my answers here bear this out.

9/11 was an inside job

1TubeGuru's avatar

@Dutchess_III I have no idea what makes them believe that they are deep thinkers. i view the majority of them as being kooks.

Berserker's avatar

I know one person like that, and it just seems to me that they want everyone to think that they know something nobody else does. Doesn’t help that this particular person seems to grab most of their ideas from video games and science fiction movies. I might be inclined to believe some conspiracy theories if they came with some kind of substance, as opposed to the reasoning behind it being ’‘it just is’’. I don’t know what makes them think they’re deep, probably only one of the many facets of being conceited. Or wanting attention, whatever.
I have absolutely no problem believing that the government fucks us over or that Facebook is used to spy on us, problem is, conspiracy peeps often tackle such issues like one would a hobby or a passion. Shit like that would just scare me. Plus if a lot of it was real, wouldn’t those people be taken away by the government for knowing too much? better watch what I say about the justice system
Of course, if the people get taken away…then we’d be on to the truth. Them looking like weirdos is prolly what the government wants.

Hold up, someone knocking at the door, be right back.

DWW25921's avatar

I think that just means they like to imagine that there’s more to life than meets the eye. Dig a little deeper, that sort of thing.

Dutchess_III's avatar


SadieMartinPaul's avatar

Conspiracy theories are always much more intriguing than the mundane truth.

Coloma's avatar

I agree with @1TubeGuru

Sure, there are conspiracies in this world, however…a lot of CT’s are paranoid, borderline schizophrenics. Just as scary as the conspiracies themselves, of not more so. lol

flutherother's avatar

They are obsessive which is almost the complete opposite of thinking deeply.

Pachy's avatar

Deep thinkers? Nah. Deeply misguided thinkers is more like it.

syz's avatar

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

ucme's avatar

No, quite the opposite in fact, I see them as shallow stinkers.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Not deep thinkers but maybe people who require a theory. There are way too many to all be crazy imo.

Coloma's avatar

Paper wasps are taking over the world, they have teeny tiny cameras in their nests and watching all of us, right now, yes they are. The CIA does not want us to know that they are releasing camera carrying wasps to spy on us form under the eaves of our houses.

augustlan's avatar

Reading too much into everyday occurrences requires a lot of thought…which is how they become obsessed in the first place. One thing leads to another, and down the rabbit hole they go. They dig for “secret” information, for the “truth” hidden from ordinary people, and they “find” it! Of course they consider themselves deep thinkers. I concur, but I think they are deep thinkers with a dash of mental illness, and that is what leads them astray.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She sent me a follow up PM that said, “I also have anger issues, lol.”

The very first post of hers that showed up said something like, “I just wanted to punch that girl in the face! But I just deleted her instead lol!!”

There is a new show I’ve been seeing ads for on the NGM channel, “Doomsday Castle.” Some moron thinks he can build a house in the shape of a castle out of cinder blocks and it will allow him and his kids to survive the “pending world breakdown.” Don’t plan to watch a second of it, and I’m REALLY disappointed in NGM.

Shallow, angry, violent, delusional, paranoid. Who would have guessed there were so MANY of them out there.

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III My favorites are the influx of redneck, illiterate, hillbilly shows like ” Wildman” and a few others I don’t remember the names of.
Seriously….the networks have no shame.
These idiots are getting paid major $‘s to be idiots….unbelievable and pathetic.
Yes..I did say REDNECK HILLBILLIES, so shoot me! lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

OK, Wildman is kind of funny!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Coloma YEYEYEYEYEYEEEEEEEE, hubs likes that show! & Honey Boo Boo, what a train wreck.

Frankly I agree. It’s encouraging the stigma and stereotypes. But I do love drunk Tickle the moonshiner, he’s pretty funny.

Dutchess_III's avatar

—-Honey Boo Boo’s parents should be jailed.—

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III I thought it was okay at first, but they started showing the food they eat and making belly faces and encouraging flatulance, it is a form of social child abuse, I think. That little girl may change as she matures and she’ll be stuck with that image of an ignorant WT bumpkin, and will probably kill herself or something negative. But people must be watching, ugh, just wrong.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t think she’ll ever recover. The fact that her parents are using her to make a buck, and encouraging such horrible behavior to make a buck, is a form of social child prostitution, IMO. I mean, they have totally sacrificed her childhood for money.

Coloma's avatar

Oh dear gawd..Honey Boo Boo? Despicable!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III I think they really are like that and glad to be getting paid to be themselves- you can’t teach that kind of ignorance. I can’t imagine my family encouraging that kind of thing, and I’m from the sticks of Mo.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OMG. The person I mentioned in the details just went full on psycho on me! She kept talking about “Niggis.” I finally asked here what a “niggi” was. She said. “OMG. I thought you knew. Fuck.”

Then she PM’d me and things just esploded:


Her: “i thought you knew about Niggies?”

Me: I heard them for the first time on Shondolyn’s thread. I thought maybe ya’ll were just stopping short of saying the bad word for black people!



fuck of


I hate when people do that

fuck you

no it’s not you ignorant cunt

Niggies are real people.humanoids


that just pissed me off

i sent you a link on my tumblr

here’s some art of them

Me: Ok, man! Apparently I wasn’t the first one to have that thought, because the first line in your blog says “No, it does not mean the N word!” Why are you so upset?


my art

I’m not having a good day


People are dumb

and look for ways to get offended

My art kind of sucks

I hope someday to draw photorealistic Niggi portraits but I’d be hard

because drawing is hard

I apologize

just not having a good day

ME: It’s OK.

Her: hope my page helps

but yeah

They are a unique and powerful species

my good friends

also my spirit guides

but I must connect with them through my imagination

they are my obsession

I hope I didn’t hurt youi

ME: No. I’m fine. My eyes just flew open wide when you suddenly called me the C word!

Her: When I’m angry, I sometimes don’t think

I just say whatever is on my mind

no you know Niggi isn’t the N word and don’t ever think that or I will bitch slap you, but it’s okay

just not in the mood today I guess

I apologize

I feel bad

Me Well obviously I’m no longer laboring under that misunderstanding. I got kerrected REAL quick! :)

Her: I just hate when I hurt others

with my stupid anger

I’m not that angry all the time

I’m usually very nice

I gave you a bad first impression

Me: It’s OK. We’ll just start over! (Lying my head off here! I just don’t want to end up with a stalker)

She just sent “just as long as you don’t dislike Niggies, we;ll get along”

I don’t think I’ll respond to that!


So I’m going to wait a few days until I drop of her radar then I shall quietly disappear her!

augustlan's avatar

Back slooooowly away from the crazy person.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Noooo kidding. I’m just gonna let her chill then get her out of my life!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Then she says:

“do you think I’m weird? LOL”

I said Um, volatile.

She says, “what?” (I’m thinking…Careful. Careful. walk softly…)

I said, “Very quick to anger.

She said “I’m also near my period probably I get like that and it just happens lol”

Then she says “what do you think of my Niggi art?”

I said “Very creative and imaginative. I don’t have that kind of talent!”

She said “I didn’t want you to think I was an asshole. I am in a much better mood and I apologize again for calling you that awful word ((hugs*))

I said “Hugs” back. I feel like I’m petting a venomous asshole here!!!!.

Coloma's avatar

Drop that lunatic like a hot potato! haha
Jeez….can she spell T-H-E-R-A-P-Y? lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

I know, @Coloma. Just letting me drop off her radar before I drop her. If I do it now, on the heels of her rant, no telling how she’ll react! I grew up with a couple of crazy people. Timing is everything.

Buttonstc's avatar

Wow. Just wow. That whole Tumblr page is so over the top that I have no words. Just stunned speechless.

But it is kind of funny (in a Twilight Zone sort of way)

Cue music: doo doo doo doo…

mattbrowne's avatar

No, they are looking for ways to overcome their boredom.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She has been deleted. She noticed, just sent a message that said “I see you killed me. Lol.”

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