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elbanditoroso's avatar

How long does it take you to respond to text messages? Liar!

Asked by elbanditoroso (33635points) September 13th, 2013

I love the types of things that are being studied these days.

A study done at Brigham Young Univ. observed that people who were lying took longer to respond than people who were telling the truth. My guess is that it took the liars longer to frame and word the lie than it did to respond with the truth.

The next thing, in my estimation, is that someone will develop an app that measures the “normal” response time on a text message exchange, and then decide if your boyfriend/girlfriend is lying to you based on whether he/she exceeds the previous average response time.

Read the article:

and ask yourself – do you take longer to write lies?

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20 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

I do not respond to text messages.

rojo's avatar

I guess I am a bigger liar than @ragingloli.

Pachy's avatar

As soon as it arrives, but then, I don’t receive or send many texts. I do the same with emails from business associates and friends.

jonsblond's avatar

Silly study. I respond as soon as I receive the texts because 95% of them are from my husband, children or two sisters who are sending me info about my mother (she’s not well). The other 5% are from the parents of my daughter’s friends or her coaches, so those are also promptly returned. I have no reason to lie to any of these people.

Seaofclouds's avatar

It depends on what I’m doing and how important the text is. If I’m working and someone texts me at the beginning of my shift, they could be waiting 12+ hours for a response.

Silence04's avatar

It really depends on what I’m doing. If I’m sitting around doing nothing and already looking at my phone when the text comes in I will respond immediately. But nine times out of ten that is not the case. I will read the text (or part of it depending on the length) and probably respond when I finish what I’m doing (if I remember). So my response time might be anywhere from 1 hour to 1 day.

Headhurts's avatar

Interesting. If it is my boyfriend, then I will answer him as soon as I can. If it is my boyfriends mum, then I will answer as soon as I can. The only other people that might text me, will be colleagues, and I don’t answer straight away. Reasons being, I have no interest in doing so, or that I am probably thinking up a lie to something they maybe want. Very interesting study.

Coloma's avatar

I don’t text, I’m a talker.

gailcalled's avatar

Never. I also don’t text.

Unbroken's avatar

It depends often I prefer talking and I hate text messages that are ceaseless chatter.

Sometimes I have to think of an answer not because I am lying but because it is not something I have yet considered or I am reconsidering.

Sometimes I am genuinely busy. Or tired or asleep or at work. If I have glanced at the message decided it was nothing urgent I may forget it was even sent.

Nothing to do with lying.

ucme's avatar

Clearly dependant on the nature of the text, some don’t need a reply, certainly not an immediate one anyway.

woodcutter's avatar

It depends on which phone I have the day of receipt. One of the phones has impossibly small keys that piss me off to use so I dread going into it sometimes. I try to address time sensitive messages quickly.

Seek's avatar

I communicate with most people primarily through Facebook, with no time expectations.

If I actually get a text, I’m so unbelievably shocked I answer it right away. Even more so if I’m being called. Then someone must be dying.

I don’t… talk to a whole lot of people in meatspace.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Right away unless I’m busy.

woodcutter's avatar

Do you bother with capitalization when texting?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@woodcutter I do, I’m a little ocd about my English usage…lol

woodcutter's avatar

My phone gives me 160 characters per message including spaces. I’m used to short-cutting the hell out of the English language, ha.

zenvelo's avatar

I respond as quickly as I can, But I do not type quickly at all, I type like I have some sort of speech impediment. And with auto correct, I have to be extra careful.

AshLeigh's avatar

Whenever I notice that I got a text. People don’t text me often, besides my mom and boyfriend. But they’re both at work most of the time.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

When I’ve got your money, I’ll return the text. Stop bothering me.

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